


美式发音: [ˈvɑlənˌteri] 英式发音: [ˈvɒlənt(ə)ri]




复数:voluntaries  搭配反义词

adj.+n.voluntary organization,voluntary sector,voluntary declaration




1.自愿的;志愿的;主动的;自告奋勇的done wilpngly, not because you are forced

a voluntary agreement自愿协议

Attendance on the course is purely voluntary.听这门课纯粹是自愿的。

to pay voluntary contributions into a pension fund自愿向退休基金交款

He took voluntary redundancy .他选择了自愿裁汰。

2.[ubn]自愿性的;无偿的;义务性的done by people who choose to do it without being paid

I do some voluntary work at the local hospital.我在当地医院从事一些义务性工作。

She works there on a voluntary basis .她自愿在那里无偿工作。

voluntary services/bodies/agencies/organizations(= organized, controlled or supported by people who choose to do this and are usually not paid)义务性服务╱团体╱机构╱组织

the voluntary sector(= organizations which are set up to help people and which do not make a profit, for example charities)非营利机构

3.[obn]自愿的;志愿的;义务的;自发的doing a job without wanting to be paid for it

a voluntary worker志愿工作者

4.随意的;可以控制的that you can control


1.仪式终始曲,即兴曲(通常用风琴在教堂礼拜仪式前后或期间演奏)a piece of music played before, during or after a church service, usually on an organ



adj.1.a voluntary action is done because you choose to do it, and not because you have to2.voluntary work is done for no pay; a voluntary worker receives no pay. Another word for a person who works for no pay is a volunteer.3.a voluntary movement or decision is controlled by the person who makes it4.a voluntary organization does important work for the community but is not part of the official government services, and usually has to raise all its money by itself1.a voluntary action is done because you choose to do it, and not because you have to2.voluntary work is done for no pay; a voluntary worker receives no pay. Another word for a person who works for no pay is a volunteer.3.a voluntary movement or decision is controlled by the person who makes it4.a voluntary organization does important work for the community but is not part of the official government services, and usually has to raise all its money by itself

n.1.a short piece of music that is usually played before a longer piece; a short piece of organ music played at church

1.自愿的 virus n. 病毒 417. voluntary a. 自愿的 418. volunteer n. 志愿者 ...

2.志愿的 rev( 旋转,变速); voluntary志愿的,自动的); evolve( 演化,逐 …

3.自动的 rev( 旋转,变速); voluntary( 志愿的,自动的); evolve( 演化,逐 …

4.自发的 formal“ 正式的,合礼仪的”; voluntary“ 志愿的,自发的”; practical“ 实践的, …

5.自愿性 voltage n. 电压 voluntary a. 自愿的,志愿的;有意的 voucher n. 收据,凭单 ...

7.无偿的 donate vt. 捐赠 voluntary adj. 自愿的;志愿的;无偿的 purchase vt. & n. 买;购买 ...


1.Becoming a geisha is now entirely voluntary, and women who are not the children of geisha can now become geisha.如今,想成为艺妓完全是凭自愿原则,而那些非科班从小入行的女性也能成为一名艺妓。

2.Can such a patient be capable of a rational, voluntary decision when he is either in pain or drugged ?当一个人处在剧痛之中,或在麻醉的神知不清情况下,病人能作出理智的,出自内心的决定吗?

3.The MGMA said the survey, which depends on voluntary participation by physicians, may not be representative of the entire industry.MGMA说,这项调查可能不能代表整个行业。调查依靠的是医生自愿性的参与。

4.It should be noted that because of the voluntary nature of the reporting system, there might be some under-reporting of cases.应当指出,由于报告系统的自愿性质,可能有一些病例没有被记录。

5.But a former senior official in Luochuan's health bureau says participation has not been as voluntary as officials make it out to be.但根据洛川卫生局前官员透露,实际并非像政府报导的那样自愿参加。

6.This should remind Britain's employers just how much they depend on the good-will and voluntary extra work of their staff, the TUC says.翻译为:这会提醒英国的雇主们自己是怎样依赖于怀着善意且自愿加班工作的员工。英国劳工联合会说到。

7.A self-proclaimed recluse, he had pved in voluntary exile ever since "the war, " although which war had never been specified.自称为隐士的他,自从“那场战争”爆发以来,就一直自我放逐至今。

8.He also sought similar computations in relation to what he referred to as "additional voluntary disclosures" .他还对他所指的“其他自愿披露”做了相似的计算。

9.A few continental supervisors, led by the Germans, bepeve a set of "voluntary" rules for the hedge funds would be better.以德国为首的少数欧洲管理人认为一套“自主的”规则对对冲基金来说会是更为有效的。

10.The voluntary ASpect of a partnership agreement means that no one can be forced into a partnership or forced to continue AS a partner.合伙合同的自愿性意味着合伙人不能被迫入伙,也不能被迫继续合作。