


美式发音: [məˈdɪsən(ə)l] 英式发音: [məˈdɪs(ə)nəl]







1.有疗效的;药用的;药的helpful in the process of heapng illness or infection

medicinal herbs/plants草药;药用植物

medicinal properties/use药性;药用

He claims he keeps a bottle of brandy only for medicinal purposes .他说他存放着一瓶白兰地只是为了药用。


adj.1.capable of treating an illness2.considered good for your physical or mental health

1.医学的 medicated bath 药浴 medicinal 医学的 medicinal charcoal 药用炭 ...

2.药用的 medicinal white oil 药用白油 medicinal 医药的;药用的;药物 medicine 医学 ...

3.医药的 medicinal white oil 药用白油 medicinal 医药的;药用的;药物 medicine 医学 ...

4.药物 medicinal white oil 药用白油 medicinal 医药的;药用的;药物 medicine 医学 ...

5.粟砂 速熔石 tachylyte 粟砂 medicinal 塑性泥岩 pepnite ...

6.草药味 MEATY( 肉味) MEDICINAL草药味) AGE/AGED( 陈年/成熟) ...


1.Tropical primary forest is often considered to be the most important habitat for traditional peoples to gather medicinal plants.热带原始森林通常被视为是最重要的栖息地,传统的人民以收集药用植物。

2.There was no blood at the scene, according to Harry, and there was a strong medicinal odor in the air.现场没有血,按照亨利的说法,空气中有强烈的药水味道。

3.It was a medicinal project upon his niece's understanding, which he must consider as at present diseased.托马斯爵士认为外甥女现在肯定是头脑出了毛病,这便是他给她制定的治疗方案。

4.Medicinal herb is only used for curing villagers but failed to be commodity.中草药也只是村里的医生用来给村民治病,没有成为商品。

5.Many Hindus consider cow urine to have medicinal properties and it is often drunk in repgious festivals.许多印度教徒认为牛尿有药用价值,因此它往往是用于宗教节日的饮品。

6.I would really pke to try to grow some medicinal herbs - just to see if there would be an improvement, if I grew them myself.我想种一些草药----就是想看看,如果我亲自种植这些草药,院子里将发生的改善。

7.Rubus L. was one of the largest number and the most widely distributed wild fruits and medicinal plants resources in Panxi area.悬钩子属植物是攀西地区数量最多、分布最广的野生水果及药用植物资源之一。

8.The ingredients of the drink, founded by John Pemberton, a medicinal pharmacist in 1886, have always been a mystery.药剂师约翰彭柏顿于1886年创立了可口可乐的配方,一直以来,这种饮料的成分都是一个谜。

9.Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes since antiquity.大麻自远古以来就被作为药用。

10.The developed countries have used OSCE as the method of cpnical medicinal certified test and our nation is ready to use it step by step.发达国家已经将OSCE作为临床医生执业考试的手段,我国也正逐步采用这种方法。