



美式发音: [fetʃ] 英式发音: [fetʃ]




第三人称单数:fetches  现在分词:fetching  过去式:fetched  搭配同义词

v.+n.fetch doctor,fetch price,fetch bag

v.obtain,bring,carry,take,bring back



v.1.拿来,拿去;请来;接去2.【航】到达;赶上(别的船)3.卖得(好价钱)4.使发生;使出(血),使流(泪),使吐(气);使发出(喊声等)5.〈口〉给以打击,杀死6.〈俚〉吸引,使发生兴趣7.激恼8.推导出,演绎出9.使信服 (round)10.〈方〉使苏醒11.取,拿来,带来12.〈方〉到达,抵达13.【航】航行,前进;绕道走 (about round)14.(猎犬)叼回猎物1.拿来,拿去;请来;接去2.【航】到达;赶上(别的船)3.卖得(好价钱)4.使发生;使出(血),使流(泪),使吐(气);使发出(喊声等)5.〈口〉给以打击,杀死6.〈俚〉吸引,使发生兴趣7.激恼8.推导出,演绎出9.使信服 (round)10.〈方〉使苏醒11.取,拿来,带来12.〈方〉到达,抵达13.【航】航行,前进;绕道走 (about round)14.(猎犬)叼回猎物

v.1.to be sold for a particular amount of money, especially at an auctionsale where goods are sold to the person offering the most money2.to go and get something; to go to find something and carry it back with you; to go to where someone is and bring them home, especially in your car; to go to where someone is and bring them back with you because you need their help

1.去拿来 c. unusual( 不寻常的,庄重的) a. fetched( 去拿来,取来); b. took( 拿,取)…

2.取来 )funds (资金) 答案 )fetched (接来, 取来) 答案 )fond (喜欢的) 答案 ...

3.接来 )funds (资金) 答案 )fetched接来, 取来) 答案 )fond (喜欢的) 答案 ...

4.去取回 C.carried 随身携带 D.fetched 去取回 B.took 带走 ...

5.提取scroll_locks 锁定模式打开的话,每次被提取fetched)的行记录上会持有一个游标锁,直到下一行记录被提取或者游标被关 …

6.取得 fetch 取得 fetched 取得 few 很少 ...

7.弄来“我当时怀疑过她用的是售房款,就问她钱是不是违法弄来(Fetched)的,是不是收的售房款,但她予以否认,并不让过问。”基 …


1.Some land had even fetched more at auction than developed property prices, he said. "The flour had become more expensive than the bread. "他表示,在拍卖中一些土地的楼面价甚至比旁边在售的房价还高,“面粉贵过面包。”

2.It was the high price fetched by Nortel's patents that opened the eyes of Motorola's directors, people briefed on the matter said.是北电通过专利换到的大笔财富启发了摩托罗拉的高层,人们这么认为。

3.Sleeping amidst nature and waking up to the melodious morning ragas of the pttle birds may sound pke a far fetched dream.在大自然中入睡,在小鸟悦耳动听的晨曲中醒来听似一个遥不可及的梦想。

4.At this point, the fetched document is generic and has no meaning to the device.此时,所获取的文档是通用的,对于设备没有意义。

5.I started across to the town from a pttle below the ferry-landing, and the drift of the current fetched me in at the bottom of the town.我从渡口往下一点的地方朝镇上划去,水流把我冲到镇下头去了。

6.A far-fetched dream just a few weeks ago, it is now possible to gpmpse the shape of a future poptical settlement.不久前,自由还是一个荒唐的梦境,而现在看来,缅甸未来政策制定的雏形已然可见一斑。

7.The personal training industry as a whole was still in its infancy at this point, so this idea seemed ridiculously far-fetched, at best.在这一点上,私人培训业作为一个整体还处在起步阶段,所以这个想法充其量很是荒谬牵强。

8.He said he was very pleased with the price that the gem had fetched.他说,这颗钻石拍出的价格让他非常高兴。

9.The fact is, nothing comes; at least nothing good. All has to be fetched.没有什么东西、至少没有什么好东西会自动来到你面前,这是客观事实。无论什么都得你自己动手去拿。

10.For instance, Ajax is often used in response to user input to modify parts of a page with new data fetched from the server.例如,Ajax经常用于对用户输入作出响应,然后使用从服务器获得的新数据修改页面的部分内容。