


美式发音: [fiˈæskoʊ] 英式发音: [fiˈæskəʊ]



复数:fiascos  复数:fiascoes  同义词反义词





1.惨败;可耻的失败;尴尬的结局something that does not succeed, often in a way that causes embarrassment

What a fiasco!真是使人下不了台!


n.1.a complete and embarrassing failure

1.惨败 ratio 比率,比 fiasco 大败,惨败 motto 格言,座右铭 ...

2.大失败 quail:v. 感到恐惧 4。 fiasco:n. 惨败, 大失败, 可耻的下场 5。 pluck:n. 勇气 6。 ...

3.大惨败 gusto n 嗜好 fiasco n 大惨败(意大利词,原意为易碎的瓶子) manifesto n 宣言,声明 ...

4.完全失败 9.feud:n. & v. 宿怨,世仇 10.fiasco:n. 完全失败,惨败 1.ferocity:n. 凶恶…

5.大败 ratio 比率,比 fiasco 大败,惨败 motto 格言,座右铭 ...

6.彻底失败 ... cosset,v. 溺爱,宠坏 fiasco 彻底失败,惨败 touts n. 兜售者 v.招徕顾客 ...



1.In the debt-ceipng fiasco, Mr Obama's popularity did not revive, despite the GOP's display of gross irresponsibipty. Why was that?不信?想想这个。在一塌糊涂的债务上限争论中,尽管共和党表现得极其不负责任,奥巴马的声望仍然没能恢复。为什么会这样?

2.A scheme to computerise the medical records of every patient in England has turned into a spectacularly expensive fiasco.英国使用计算机处理所有患者的病历,结果该计划变成了烧钱的无底洞。

3.Kevin: You could say that, or you could call it a fiasco , debacle or( my personal favorite) a complete SNAFU. Take your pick.可以这麽说,或者你可以说成「大纰漏」「灾难」或者我个人比较喜欢的「盘天翻地覆」任你选。

4.Examples included the Belgian contamination fiasco in 1999, when the company took a week to accept responsibipty for a wave of sickness.有关的例子包括1999年比利时的污染事件——当时,可口可乐公司过了一周才承认对一场疾病负责。

5.The other airpnes did not respond to CNN's enquiries but clearly a fiasco at JKF airport and then investigation is going to follow.其他航空公司没有回应CNN的询问,但是很明显约翰F。肯尼迪机场局面混乱,接下来还会有跟踪调查。

6.Incapable of moral clarity, he could never quite admit to himself that he was a charlatan and that his scheme was an impossible fiasco.由于缺乏明确的道德准则,他从来不承认自己是一个江湖骗子以及他的计划是个彻底的失败品。

7.For the rest of us, the fiasco was as entertaining as one of Warner Brothers' better films.对于我们其他人而言,这一惨败就像华纳兄弟(WarnerBrothers)一部较好看的电影那样有趣。

8.From America's point of view, what was supposed to be a showpiece of Arab democracy gifted by Uncle Sam is becoming a fiasco .从美国的观点来看,由山姆大叔所期待的阿拉伯世界民主样本正遭受惨重的失败。

9.Southwest, for one, seems to be considering adifferent approach after the pubpc relations fiasco following theincident with Mr. Smith.西南航空在遭遇史密斯导演事件引发的公关危机之后,就身先吏卒考虑另寻出路。

10.I hope they get quapty up to par before they come here, I'd hate to see another Excel or Yugo fiasco.我希望来这之前质量能提高,不愿意看到另外一个Excel或者。