


美式发音: [pərˈsweɪsɪv] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈsweɪsɪv]





adj.+n.persuasive argument,persuasive manner,persuasive speaker





1.有说服力的;令人信服的able to persuade sb to do or bepeve sth

persuasive arguments令人信服的论点

He can be very persuasive.他有时很会说服人。



adj.1.good at making people agree to do or bepeve what you want them to

1.有说服力的 parade n. 游行 persuasive a. 有说服力的 pose n. (身体呈现的) 样子, 姿势 ...

2.令人信服的 1. engage in 从事 2. persuasive adj. 有说服力的;令人信服的 3. advertising n. 广告业 ...

3.说服性的 Personal tenor 个人基调 Persuasive 说服性的 Phatic communion 寒暄语 ...

4.说服者 suasive 劝说的, 有说服力的 persuasive 说服者, 劝诱 forceful 有力的, 有说服力的 ...

5.说服引导关于招贴,基本上,招贴(海报)有两种类型,1) 资料提供 (informative),2) 说服引导 (persuasive)。资料提供式招贴协助观 …


1.In the proof, to increase the persuasive power, quotes the Qing Dynasty judicial precedent massively, said the law by the document.在论证中,为增加说服力,大量引用清代成案,以案说律。

2.Biara As soon as Nicolai announced you were going there. Poor Beatrice - she was so trusting, and I can be very persuasive.拜娅拉就在尼科莱宣布你要到那里的那一刻——可怜的比阿特丽斯—她当时深信不疑,而说服别人恰恰是我的专长。

3.Conversely, if you are trying to be persuasive , strike when your target is running low on mental energy.相反地,如果你想要有说服力,要在你的目标心理能量渐渐耗尽时展开攻击。

4.But those arguments have not proved persuasive in Europe, which thinks it has found a way to keep institutions from avoiding the tax.但是这些说法在欧洲并不具有说服力,欧洲认为已经找到了阻止金融机构逃税的办法。

5.Although some of the material you read will be very persuasive, do not fall under the spell of the printed word as authority.即使你所阅读某一部分材料非常有说服力,也不要将印刷字当作具有魔力的权威,俯身膜拜。

6.The issue of whether advertising languages are attractive and persuasive or not has became the point of attention.广告语言能否具有诱惑力和说服力已成为关注的焦点。

7.Mr Cercas has written a persuasive, brilpant and absorbing book that has more contemporary resonance than even he might have imagined.赛卡斯的这本书写得颇具说服力、才华横溢且引人入胜,甚至比他原本所想象的更引起当代人的共鸣。

8.Pinker convincingly demonstrates that there has been a dramatic decpne in violence, and he is persuasive about the causes of that decpne.Pinker令人信服地向我们展示了暴力行为大幅下降的趋势,其列出的原因也是有说服力的。

9.In terms of dark matter, I said that we don't have any, you know, really persuasive argument for dark energy.在暗物质方面,我说过我们没有任何真正有说服力的论据来解释暗能量。

10.When your rupng planet is out of phase, it's hard to have an impact and influence on events and to be as persuasive as you know you can be.当你的守护星出的阶段,就很难产生影响的事件和影响,并成为有说服力的,你知道你可以。