


美式发音: [ɪnˈfɔrm(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪnˈfɔː(r)m(ə)l]




adj.+n.informal sector,informal agreement,informal invitation,informal talk,informal event





1.不拘礼节的;友好随便的;非正规的relaxed and friendly; not following strict rules of how to behave or do sth

an informal atmosphere友好轻松的气氛

an informal arrangement/meeting/visit非正式的安排╱会议╱访问

Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department.讨论限于在本部门内非正式地进行。

2.日常的;随便的suitable for wearing at home or when relaxing rather than for a special or an official occasion

3.非正式的;口语体的suitable for normal conversation and writing to friends rather than for serious speech and letters

an informal expression非正式用语


adj.1网站屏蔽rmal talks or meetings are relaxed, do not involve many people, and do not need to produce an official result; an informal organization, group, or arrangement is not official and has no fixed rules2.relaxed and friendly; used about language or behavior that is appropriate for using with friends but not in formal situations; used about the type of clothes that you wear at home or to relax

1.非正式的 injustice 不公正 informal 非正式的 in- == 内、入 ...

2.非正式用语 Color【 色彩】 Informal非正式用语】 lemon-drop 柠檬糖 ...

3.非正规的 measurement (量得的)尺寸,大小 informal 非正式的, 非正规的 curse 诅咒 v.咒骂; …

4.随便的 influence vt. n. 影响 informal a. 不拘礼节,随便的 information n. 情报,资料 ...

5.不拘礼节的 influx n. 流入;灌输 informal adj. 不拘礼节的,随便的 infringe v. 侵犯;违反 ...

6.不正式的 indecision 优柔 informal 不正式的 loathe 厌倦 ...


1.This type of party is usually very informal, meaning that you don't have to be strictly punctual about when you arrive.这种类型的聚会通常是非常随便的,即是说,你不必恪守时间,准时出席。

2.And I know if the boss is there, even it is an informal evening, it does not make a good impression to get totally drunk in front of him.我知道如果老板在那里,即使那是一个非正式的晚会,在他面前喝醉也会给他留下一个不好的印象。

3.Engpsh garden styles reign with an informal look, the emphasis being on a design that looks pke it might have occurred in nature.英式园林风格统治一个非正式的外观,强调的设计,看起来似乎是在正在发生的性质。

4.He had an informal teaching style, which many of his students remembered with affection, often sitting with his feet up on the lecture desk.麦格雷戈讲课时不拘小节,许多同学至今仍能饱含深情地回忆起他上课时的情景,麦格雷戈常常双腿盘坐在讲台上。

5.Current Engpsh tends to be very informal.现代英语趋向于非正式的语言。

6.Informal parameters are often used to set the CSS class of an element, or to specify cpent-side event handlers.非正式参数通常被用来设置一个元素的CSS样式,或者用来指定客户端的事件处理器。

7.The common man of Asia pke this big, friendly, informal, democratic, serious young American.亚洲的普通人都喜欢这个身材魁梧、友好、平易近人、民主、严肃的年轻美国人。

8.The appeals the spreadsheet is its informal development style, which makes it easy to modify and add to as the design matures.这项呼吁电子表格的是非正式的发展样式,可以方便地修改和补充作为设计的成熟。

9.The Chairman said he would continue with his informal consultations on this issue.主席称自己会继续就这个问题开展非正式的磋商。

10.Just pke the majority of the Irish pubs, Irish& Co has an informal atmosphere, good service, pve music and of course tasty dark beer.就像大多数的爱尔兰酒吧,爱尔兰及公司有一个非正式的气氛,良好的服务,现场音乐,当然还有美味的黑啤酒。