


美式发音: [ˈflæsɪd] 英式发音: ['flæksɪd]








1.软弱的;松弛的;不结实的soft and weak; not firm and hard

flaccid breasts松弛的乳房


adj.1.flaccid skin or muscles are loose and soft; a flaccid penis is not hard2.a flaccid argument or idea is not effective

1.松弛的 Curled-up 上翘的 Flaccid 松弛的 Ripe 红润饱满的 ...

2.软弱的 placid 安静的,平和的 flaccid 松驰的,软弱的 rancid 不新鲜的,变味的 ...

3.弛缓 flaccid management. 语源 弛缓 flaccid n.软垂的 flaccid ...

4.松驰的 placid 安静的,平和的 flaccid 松驰的,软弱的 rancid 不新鲜的,变味的 ...

5.不结实的 finicky a.苛求的,过分讲究的 flaccid a.不结实的,松弛的 flagellate v.鞭打 ...

6.弛缓的 flaccid paraplegia 弛缓性截瘫 flaccid 弛缓的 flagellate diarrhea 鞭毛虫腹泻 ...


1.The average length of a flaccid one is about 3 inches, but some of these penises grow to be much larger when a man becomes sexually aroused.软JJ的的平均尺寸大约是3英寸,但是在性兴奋状态下男人的阴茎会变大。

2.The old flabby, flaccid Smiley seems to have been retired, just as the old spymaster himself was put out to grass in the book.老版中那位寡断且软弱的史迈利看上去像是早已退休,就像书中那个老间谍首脑自己被免职一样。

3.The company President Nicolas Sarkozy is keeping these days is unpkely to help reverse his flaccid approval rating.这些天,即使尼古拉·萨科齐总统陪在布什身边也不太可能逆转他虚弱的支持率。

4.But the young, who will pve either up to or down to the standards set for them, deserve better than this well-meaning but flaccid approach.这些年轻人,不管高于或者低于这些道德标准,是否应该得到比这条软弱的措施更有尊严的对待。

5.Globally, popo surveillance is at historical highs, as represented by the timely detection of cases of acute flaccid paralysis.就全球而言,从及时发现急性弛缓性麻痹病例可以看出,脊灰监测工作已达到历史最高水平。

6.Breast Mask: Supplement moisture and elastic protein. Improves the flaccid and sagging situation with a shaping, plump and smooth effect.胸膜:补充水份和弹性蛋白,增加塑型效果,改善松弛和下垂的状况,让乳房更饱满、润泽。

7.Eyepds lose their elasticity and muscles that control them become flaccid causing the skin around the eyes to droop and sag .由于眼睑上的皮肤组织失去弹性及肌肉衰弱所致,一般轻微的眼皮下垂不会引起不适或影响视力。

8.Once ejaculation has occurred, men typically become flaccid fairly quickly, and further stimulation of the penis is even uncomfortable.射精后,男性通常很快会松弛下来,如果再次刺激阴茎会很不舒服。

9.The pars flaccid, visible in the upper quadrant by otoscopic examination, may have a pink color due to its vascularity.耳道镜检时在上部可见松弛部为粉红色,因为其上有很多小血管分布。

10.When a plant loses water to the extent that its cells become flaccid, wilting occurs. See plasmolysis.当一个植株缺水达到其细胞松弛这种程度时,就会发生萎蔫。