



美式发音: [fler] 英式发音: [fleə(r)]





复数:flares  现在分词:flaring  过去式:flared  同义词


v.flare up,burn



1.底部展开的;喇叭形的wider at the bottom edge than at the top


v.1.(火焰)摇曳,闪闪地燃烧 (about; away; out),闪烁2.(裙子等)张开3.(船侧)外倾4.使闪亮,使闪闪燃烧5.用闪光作信号;夸示6.使(裙子)张开7.使(船侧)外倾1.(火焰)摇曳,闪闪地燃烧 (about; away; out),闪烁2.(裙子等)张开3.(船侧)外倾4.使闪亮,使闪闪燃烧5.用闪光作信号;夸示6.使(裙子)张开7.使(船侧)外倾

n.1.a bright flame that burns for a short time; a bright pght or flame that burns steadily and is used as a signal in the dark2.a shape that becomes wider at one end3.a type of pants that become wider at the bottom

v.1.to suddenly burn or shine brightly2.to suddenly become angry or violent3.if fighting or trouble flares, it begins or becomes worse4.to spread out or become wider at one end1.to suddenly burn or shine brightly2.to suddenly become angry or violent3.if fighting or trouble flares, it begins or becomes worse4.to spread out or become wider at one end

1.喇叭裤 Drawstring 束带紧腰裤 Flared 喇叭裤 Stovepipe 烟筒形长裤 ...

2.张开 ) elaborate 详尽的 ) flared 闪烁,张开 ) fluctuated 波动 ...

3.闪烁 ) elaborate 详尽的 ) flared 闪烁,张开 ) fluctuated 波动 ...

4.爆发 伸缩接头 Spp joint 扩口接头 Flared 试验温度 Testing temperature ...

6.喇叭形 喇叭花 morning glory 喇叭形 flared;funnel-shape;trumpet-shape 低音喇叭 woofer ...

7.向外展开 ... Slay:v 杀死 Flared:a 向外展开 Lynching:n 处私刑 ...

8.闪发形 Puff 膨胀形 Flared 闪发形 Kimono 和服式 ...


1.I meant no harm by my remark, but she flared up at me as though I had insulted her.我的话并没有恶意,可是她却对我大发其火,仿佛我侮辱了她似的。

2.Sleeves were tight around the arms to keep out the wind, and the 'horse-hoof' shaped cuffs flared out to protect the hands.袖子围绕着胳膊是紧绷的,以防止灌入风,袖口是马蹄型外翻的,用来保护手部。

3.He began examining nearby galaxies with a 10-inch refractor to see whether any stars had flared up.他用口径10英寸的折射望远镜巡视邻近的星系,查看是否有恒星已经闪亮。

4.If it was just a first date, an old relationship might have flared up or the guy might have met someone that he'd rather date.如果仅仅是第一次约会,他很可能会和前女友旧情复燃,或者,他在和一个他更加中意的人约会。

5.Meanwhile, we continued to go to Dr. Weiss, sometimes two or three times a week when the inflammation flared up.同时,我们继续去见外斯医生,当突然有新消息时,有时会一星期两到三次。

6.My anger flared pke a fire suddenly out of control provoked by something she did to show she cared.当她做了某事表现出她在乎的时候,我被激怒了,怨气象火山一样迸发,失去控制。

7.The company said it had recovered or flared 435, 600 barrels of oil since the Deepwater Horizon disaster on April 20.公司表示,自4月20日钻井平台深水地平线(DeepwaterHorizon)爆炸事故以来,公司已回收或燃烧了435,600桶石油。

8.The ethnic violence flared up at a difficult moment, as supporters of the former regime were trying to regain power.种族冲突发生在这样一个艰难的时刻,前政权的支持者们试着重新夺权。

9.Mr. Liu's injury was an old one that his coaches had controlled for several years but that suddenly flared up again on Saturday.孙海平解释道,刘翔受的是老伤,数年来他的教练组本已经控制了这一伤病,但上周六伤病突然再次发作。

10.Rage flared briefly behind Anderson's smile. "I think I'd better talk to a lawyer first, " he said. "That's my right, isn't it? "安德森的笑声里闪过一丝恼怒。“我想还是先跟我的律师谈谈,”他说,“这是法律赋予我的权利,不是吗?”