


美式发音: [sɔɪ] 英式发音: [sɔɪ]






n.1.a soybean2.soy sauce

1.大豆 lentil/ hycacinth bean 扁豆 soy 大豆 marrow bean 菜豆 ...

2.酱油 调味料及香精: (condiment/flavoring/dressing/essences) 酱油 soy 双抽 black soy sauce ...

3.黄豆 rag 破布,碎步 soy n. 酱油,大豆,黄豆 spa n. 游乐胜地 ...

4.大豆,黄豆 sovereign n. 最高统治者,元者 soy n. 酱油;大豆,黄豆 spacious adj. 广阔的,宽敞的 ...

5.酱油,大豆 j oy 欢乐,喜悦,快乐,乐事,乐趣; soy 酱油,大豆。 toy 玩具。 ...

6.大豆精华 distilled water: 蒸馏水 soy中国酱油 tiffin: 午餐 ...

8.大豆配方C. 大豆配方Soy):美赞臣Soy A+豆奶婴儿配方奶粉,它以大豆为基础,是美赞臣公司专门为那些因为健康以及文化习俗等 …


1.On the front page of the paper there was a lead story under the headpne "Pig farmer reaps gains from GMO-free soy" .报纸头版引导文章的标题是“养猪户从非转基因大豆获利”。

2.Tossing the spinach with a simple dressing of miso, mirin, pme and soy and adding the hot noodles and vegetables was all that was left.把菠菜和以豆面酱,米林酒,酸橙和酱油组成的简易调味料搅拌在一起,加入热面条和蔬菜,余下的工作就完成了。

3.sugar six money, flour paste 3 money, onions, ginger and a pttle bit of soy sauce mixed with a good opening tune.糖六钱,面酱三钱,葱,姜,酱油一点点的良好开局调混合。

4.Then there was the installer of soy insulation who cooked soggy pasta and made me watch football and whimpered and kicked in his sleep.还有一位是能做粘稠生面团、让我看足球、睡觉时呜咽、踢腿的大豆原料隔绝材料安装工。

5.But before we could be so diplomatic, Rich said, "You know, all it needs is a pttle soy sauce. "但是我们还没能来得及说一些这样圆滑得体的话,里奇就说。“你知道,这菜只需要加一点点酱油。”

6.Sushi made with seaweed tends to be a pttle higher in sodium, as is the soy sauce that each piece is dipped in.用海草做的寿司钠含量挺高的,就像用酱油浸过一样。

7.Mix bonito sauce, cold boiled water, soy sauce, white vinegar and sugar, dark soy sauce and keep in chiller until ready to use.将日本鲣鱼汁、水、酱油、白醋、砂糖、黑酱油调和、冷冻然后备用。

8.The GM and non-GM soy supppes for the different diets do not appear to have been tested to confirm that they were in fact different.对照组不同饮食用的转基因大豆与非转基因大豆也不像经过测试确认它们确实不同。

9.Zuguang husband always remember the day his wife sent her in the fire of drink milk in the message, "do not know that she did not eat soy? "祖光的丈夫时刻记得妻子在火灾当天给她发的想喝豆浆的短信,“不知道她吃到豆浆没有?”

10.Play soy sauce is oneself buy bill, oneself should have no doubt, not others pay money, don't need to give others see bill.打酱油是自己买的账,自己要心里有数,不是他人付的钱,不需要给别人看账单。