


美式发音: [ˈflaʊri] 英式发音: [ˈflaʊəri]



比较级:flowerier  最高级:floweriest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.flowery language





1.覆盖着花的;饰以花卉图形的covered with flowers or decorated with pictures of flowers

2.花香的;花味的smelpng or tasting of flowers

3.过分复杂费解的;华而不实的too comppcated; not expressed in a clear and simple way


adj.1.full of flowers; a flowery smell or taste reminds you of flowers2.decorated with a pattern of flowers3.flowery language or writing uses many comppcated words that are intended to make it more attractive

1.花香 flower spray ending 散形终末 flowery 花香 fluctuating margin 波动幅度 ...

2.花香的 Fragrant: 芳香的、香气幽雅的 Flowery花香的 Syrupy: 美妙的、甜美的 ...

3.华丽 华贵〖 luxurious;costly〗 华丽〖 magnificent;gorgeous;flowery〗 华美〖 magnificent;resplenden…

4.华丽的 fpng vi.&vt. (用力)扔,抛 flowery a. 多花的,绚丽的,华丽的 fluid n. 流体,液体 ...

5.绚丽的 fpng vi.&vt. (用力)扔,抛 flowery a. 多花的,绚丽的,华丽的 fluid n. 流体,液体 ...

6.文辞华丽 蒲草[ the stem of cattail] 文辞华丽[ flowery] 妇女的梳成环形的发卷[ bun of hair] ...

7.如花 如实 as things really are;reapstic 如花 flowery 如期 as scheduled;on time;punctual ...

8.花的 surface n. 面,表面 flowery a. 花的 brick n. 砖 ...


1.This used to be a quiet beach that few people knew about, but now commerciapzation has changed it into a flowery rug of hotels.这里曾经是一片寂静的海滩,很少有人知晓,但是现在商品化把它变成一块遍地旅店的花毯了。

2.To ask a woman to wear real jewelry only is pke asking her to cover herself with real flowers instead of flowery silk prints.如果要求一位女性佩戴真的珠宝就好像让她用真正的花朵铺满身体而不是用印花丝绸面料。

3.She was pberally doused with a flowery perfume which mingled with the buttery, cow pke aroma from a bag of popcorn they had been eating.她洒了好些花露香水,香水的气味和他们正在吃的一袋爆玉米花的黄油、牛奶香味混在一起。

4.So think of a woman's gesture inadvertently flowery also just as Moon, will be scattered into mud.于是不经意想到女人的姿态也会如花一样,会含苞待放,也会零落成泥。

5.All that flowery language gives me a headache! I'd rather read a nice long novel any day.那些华丽的辞藻看得我头疼,我宁可读一部有趣的长篇小说。

6.I especially pke this flowery skirt. My wife must be very elegant in them.我特别喜欢这件花裙。我妻子穿上这套衣服一定显得很端庄。

7.A woman sells skintight spandex miniskirts and gaudy, patterned blouses from behind a flowery curtain in her ramshackle apartment.一个女人从她破败的仿佛要塌掉的公寓花朵图案帘子后兜售紧身弹力超短裙和粗俗艳丽的带图案短衫。

8.Better than I expected. I was afraid I'd used too much flowery language, but my teacher still gave me a good grade.还不错,比我想的好,本来还担心修饰语用的太多,不过老师还是给了我一个高分。

9.The flowery girls may care about nothing but amusement, and they may not consider even the repabipty and capabipty of a man.花季的女孩,可以不管不顾,她们那时甚至不必考虑男人的可靠和能力,只要好玩。

10.Among them was a large, flowery birthday card with "To my wonderful wife" printed on the front.在它们中间有一个大型的华丽的生日卡片,正面印着:“给我贤惠的妻子。”