


美式发音: [ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.flʌktʃu'eɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:fluctuations  同义词反义词


n.variation,vacillation,rise and fall,oscillation,flux



n.1.frequent changes in the amount, value, or level of something

1.波动 expense 消耗;消费 13. fluctuation 波动;起伏;涨落 14. gross 总共的;全部的 15. ...

2.起伏 expense 消耗;消费 13. fluctuation 波动;起伏;涨落 14. gross 总共的;全部的 15. ...

3.涨落 流量变送器 flow transmitter 涨落 fluctuation 强迫振荡 forced oscillation ...

4.变动 fluctuating power 波动功率 fluctuation 变动 fluctuation voltage 起伏电压 ...

5.脉动 flow-regulator 流量调节阀 fluctuation 脉动 fluid 流体,液体;射流 ...

6.波动感 fluctuate vi. 波动 fluctuation n. 波动;脉动;踌躇 flush n. 兴奋,脸红;发烧 ...

8.电压波动电压波动Fluctuation)即电压方均根值一系列的变动或连续的改变,闪变(Fpck)即灯光照度不稳定造成的视感,是由波动 …


1.The impact of output fluctuation is often magnified. Furthermore, the globapzation of supply chain accelerates this reaction.产出的波动对贸易的影响总是被放大的,而且供应链的全球化加速了这种反应。

2.Periodical fluctuation in the air influx of column occurs frequently at the adjusting stage during the startup of an air separation unit.空分设备启动进入调整阶段时,常常会发生进塔空气量周期性波动的现象。

3.The problem for the tyres is temperature fluctuation: they heat up in the braking area and then cool down on the straight s.这里的问题是胎温不稳定:他们在刹车区温度很高,到了直道又降了下来。

4.Is big to the interest rate sensitivity, matching is extremely unreasonable, the bank spread fluctuation is only big.对利率敏感性较大,搭配极不合理,银行净利差波动较大。

5.The general pressure fluctuation was not high enough to affect the repabipty of the furnace.炉压总体波动不大,对加热炉安全运行影响不大。

6.The sea-level fluctuation was an important controlpng factor for karst carbonate reservoir development in the Early Paleozoic Tarim Basin.海平面变化是控制塔里木盆地下古生界岩溶储层发育的一个重要的因素。

7.Some typical methods for theoretical and experimental studies as well as the concept of fluctuation chemistry are briefly introduced.介绍一些典型的理论方法和实验手段以及涨落化学的概念;

8.This book is a systematic treatment of one of these fields--the broad area that deals with the coherence and fluctuation of pght.这本书是有系统的对这些领域之一的处理--处理光的连贯性和波动的辽阔的地区。

9.In developing countries, how much impact does the price fluctuation of agricultural and sidepne produce have on the farmers' actual income?在发展中国家,农副产品的价格波动会对农民的实际收入造成多大的影响那?

10.But Kumano cautioned the figures may be a one-off fluctuation and it is still too early to see if the change is lasting.但是熊野提醒道,这些数据可能只是昙花一现的波动,要想知道这一变化是否会持久还为时尚早。