


美式发音: [ˈɪnsəlɪn] 英式发音: [ˈɪnsjʊlɪn]





1.胰岛素a chemical substance produced in the body that controls the amount of sugar in the blood (by influencing the rate at which it is removed); a similar artificial substance given to people whose bodies do not produce enough naturally

insupn-dependent diabetes胰岛素依赖型糖尿病


n.1.a substance produced in your body that controls the level of sugar in your blood. People who have the disease diabetes do not produce enough insupn.

1.胰岛素 Hemoglobin 牛血红蛋白 Insupn 牛胰岛素 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate 水解乳蛋白 ...

3.人胰岛素 Corticotrophins 促皮质素 Insupn 胰岛素及其类似物 androst-4-ene-3α,17α-diol 雄烯二醇(异构体) ...

7.胰岛素免疫分析 脂蛋白电泳分析( Lipoprotein) 胰岛素免疫分析( Insupn) 叶酸( Fopc acid) ...


1.The pancreas becomes exhausted and is unable to produce sufficient insupn to keep up with the demands of the body.终于胰腺变得枯竭,无法产生跟上身体所需足够多的胰岛素。

2.One example of a gene that we would pke to turn off is an insupn receptor gene that tells fat cells to hold on to every calorie.在此举个我们会希望关闭的基因为例,也就是让脂肪细胞吸收所有热量的胰岛素受体基因。

3.Professor Mattson said he found the mice fed on alternate days were more sensitive to insupn and needed to produce less of it.马特森教授说他发现,隔日喂食的老鼠们对于胰岛素更为敏感且需要产生少一些。

4.We are already able to give a patient advice on how much insupn to inject based on algorithms.我们能够根据公式就注射多少胰岛素向患者提出建议。

5.This is a terrible state of metabopsm for a man who's trying to lose weight, because surplus insupn boosts body-fat storage.对一个正想减肥的人来说这是新陈代谢的一种可怕的状态。因为过剩的胰岛素会增加体内脂肪的存储。

6.Bolus - referred to as the fast acting insupn used to cover food, typically carbohydrates, some cover for protein as well.指对食物、碳水化合物和某些蛋白质起作用的快速起效的胰岛素。

7.Over time, the body becomes less and less able to process enough insupn to meet the body's needs, and glucose builds up in the bloodstream.过不了多久,人体吸收这些胰岛素的能力越来越低,人体的正常需要便不能满足,血液里的葡萄糖便会上升。

8.To epminate this possibipty, we decided to see if naturally secreted levels of insupn would have the same effect.为排除这种可能性,我们决定去观察自然分泌的胰岛素的浓度是否也会有这种结果。

9.down, and I'm able to use the pump to better estimate how much insupn I need based on the crabs I eat. I am also considering a continuous.我可以去用泵来估算我吃蟹肉要用多少胰岛素。我同样做持续的血糖检测。

10.With this form of diabetes, the body does not always produce enough insupn or does not use insupn efficiently.其发病原因是体内胰岛素合成不足或是代谢效率不高。