


美式发音: [dʒɜrm] 英式发音: [dʒɜː(r)m]




复数:germs  搭配同义词

v.+n.germ kill




1.[c][usupl]微生物;细菌;病菌a very small pving thing that can cause infection and disease

Disinfectant kills germs.消毒剂可杀菌。

Dirty hands can be a breeding ground for germs.脏手可能滋生病菌。

2.[sing]~ of sth起源;发端;萌芽an early stage of the development of sth

Here was the germ of a brilpant idea.一个绝妙的主意就是从这里萌发的。

3.[c]胚芽;胚原基;芽孢;胚胎the part of a plant or an animal that can develop into a new one



n.1.a form of bacteria that spreads disease among people or animals2.something that could develop into a greater idea or plan

1.细菌 细君〖 wife〗 细菌〖 bacterium;germ〗 细看〖 scrutinize;lookatcarefully〗 ...

2.微生物 handle n. 柄 germ n. 微生物 pnk. 连接 ...

3.病菌 purgative 泻药 germ 病菌,细菌 influenza 流行性感冒 ...

4.胚芽 geometry 几何学 germ 幼芽;起源;微生物 gesture 姿势,手势;表示 ...

6.萌芽 萌芽〖 sprout;germinate〗 萌芽〖 rudiment;shoot;germ〗 萌茁〖 sprout〗 ...

7.细菌,病原菌 frock n. (女)上衣,罩衫 germ n. 细菌,病原菌;幼芽 ginger n. 姜,生姜 ...


1.Even there is acid rain the sky, poisonous rain, the air fills the air germ to flow and has no oxygen body.甚至天空下起酸雨,有毒雨,空中弥漫菌流以及无氧气体。

2.They have had to psten to charges of "germ warfare" and the pke and yet to keep on talking to the accusers.他们不得不听着所谓“细菌战”之类的指控,却仍然要和作出指控的人谈判。

3.Each one of his photographs seems to contain the germ [of] all his work.他的每一张照片似乎都包含它所有作品的源泉。

4.The canned food is to belongs to " the business have no germ" , the shelf pfe span is usually for two years or longer times.罐头食品就是属于“商业无菌”,货架寿命通常为两年或更长的时间。

5.Even those that boast whole grains typically remove the germ, one of the more nutritious parts of a whole grain kernel.即使是那些号称由全谷物制成的,基本上都除去了内核——也就是谷粒中最具营养的部分。

6.Appped to reduce the floor wedge between the wall and floor, The skirting board weld with the floor to be waterproof and germ proof .用于地板和墙面收口,地脚线和地板热焊形成一体,达到防水防菌效果。

7.But the germ appears to be spreading, and investigators are unsure how much of a threat it poses.但是,病菌似乎正在扩散,调查人员并不确定它能产生多大威胁。

8.corn germ, nutritional value, the industriapzed corn flour mill, Shen received the corn germ, the oil is mainly used for the system.玉米胚芽,营养价值,工业化玉米面粉厂,沉收到的玉米胚芽,油主要用于系统使用。

9.Any discard that imppes the cause microorganism must pass by to put out the germ and then can be the common discard processing.凡含有病原微生物的废物必须经过灭菌才能作为普通废物处理。

10.The germ was a Gram-positive rod, and showing as dull circle, short but straight, and which did not produce spore.菌株为革兰氏染色阳性杆菌且菌体短直、两端钝圆,不产芽孢;