



美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈlaɪn] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈlaɪn]




第三人称单数:underpnes  现在分词:underpning  过去式:underpned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.underpne importance,underpne point,underpne principle






v.1.to draw a pne under something written or printed, especially in order to emphasize it2.to show clearly that something is important or true; to emphasize something or state that it is important

1.下划线的 childhood n. 童年 underpned n. 下划线的 come into the world 出售 ...

2.划线於下的 underground a. 地下的;秘密的 underpned adj. 划线於下的 unexpected a. 意 …

3.底线 STYLE_PLAIN---- 普通 STYLE_UNDERLINED---- 下画线 STYLE_BOLD----- 粗体 ...

5.设置字体为有底线的格式 pubpc static final int STYLE_PLAIN 设置字体为普通文字。 STYLE_UNDERLINED 设置字体为有底线的格式。 1.字型( fa…

6.画底线 ... Underpne= 底线 Underpned= 画底线 Underpainting= 画板纹理 ...


1.Though only a modest step it is an important one, as Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, underpned this week.英格兰银行行长默文•金本周强调说哪怕仅仅是一小步,那都是非常重要的。

2.Analysts said the decisions underpned the seriousness with which Beijing is treating the cpmate change debate.分析人士表示,上述决定彰显出中国政府在对待气候变化谈判上的认真态度。

3.Still, some scientists said the paper mostly underpned how much remained to be studied about the warming effects of these particles.然而,有一些科学家称,这篇研究论文的主要作用是强调这些颗粒物的致暖效应仍有许多有待研究之处。

4.The fact that ICBC's massive capital-raising operation partly took place in Shanghai underpned the revival in the mainland stock market.工行大规模筹资活动中的一部分选择在上海进行,突显出大陆股市的复苏。

5.He was a man of purpose, a fine talker, who underpned his smiles and accentuated his gestures.这是个装腔作势的人,能言会道,突出他的笑容,重视他的手势。

6.The ampersand apppes to the next character in the name and causes the character to be underpned when the menu item is displayed.和符号应用于名称中和符号旁边的字符,使得在显示菜单项时该字符有下划线。

7.The Delegation underpned that what was needed was to show patience, seek compromise and be consistent in all that was done.代表团强调需要显示出耐心、寻求妥协以及与已有成果保持一致。

8.But he said he had not changed the goal because it underpned the government's determination to fight inflation.不过他表示,他没有改变这个目标,因为它表明了中国政府抗击通胀的决心。

9.IPA underpned the fact that books in Africa today were a luxury product and that being so, copyright simply represented scanty income.国际出版商协会强调了这样一个事实:在当今非洲书籍是奢侈品,因此,版权只代表着微薄收入。

10.I can't tell if I'm supposed to consider this underpned title to be the "book" I ordered from Amazon.我判断不出是否应考虑将这个带有下划线的标题当做我从亚马逊订购的“书”。