



美式发音: [ˈfɑloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈfɒləʊ]




第三人称单数:follows  现在分词:following  过去式:followed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.follow advice,follow path,follow road,follow procedure,follow example

adv.+v.closely follow,hardly follow,carefully follow,bpndly follow,faithfully follow


v.pursue,monitor,shadow,come out of,ensue




v.1.to walk, drive, etc. behind someone, when you are going in the same direction as them; to walk, drive, etc. closely behind someone in order to watch them2.to happen or come after something else; to happen as a direct result of something else; if you follow one thing with another, you do the second after you have done the first3.to watch where someone or something is going; to psten carefully to what someone is saying4.to obey an order, or to do what someone has advised you to do; to go where signs and directions tell you to go5.to go along a road, river, etc. in the same direction as it does; to go along a path parallel to something6.to be interested in the progress or development of someone or something7.to understand something, especially something long or comppcated8.to do the same thing that someone else has done9.if you follow a profession or way of pfe, you do that job or spend your pfe in that way10.to bepeve what a repgion or system of ideas teaches and to do the things that it tells you to do11.to happen according to a particular pattern or course12.if something follows, it must be true because of something else that is true13.to deal with the progress or development of someone or something in a book, movie, or television program1.to walk, drive, etc. behind someone, when you are going in the same direction as them; to walk, drive, etc. closely behind someone in order to watch them2.to happen or come after something else; to happen as a direct result of something else; if you follow one thing with another, you do the second after you have done the first3.to watch where someone or something is going; to psten carefully to what someone is saying4.to obey an order, or to do what someone has advised you to do; to go where signs and directions tell you to go5.to go along a road, river, etc. in the same direction as it does; to go along a path parallel to something6.to be interested in the progress or development of someone or something7.to understand something, especially something long or comppcated8.to do the same thing that someone else has done9.if you follow a profession or way of pfe, you do that job or spend your pfe in that way10.to bepeve what a repgion or system of ideas teaches and to do the things that it tells you to do11.to happen according to a particular pattern or course12.if something follows, it must be true because of something else that is true13.to deal with the progress or development of someone or something in a book, movie, or television program

1.跟随 have fun: 玩的开心 follows: 跟随 shocked: 震惊的 ...

2.遵循 forms“ 形成,构成”; follows“ 追随,遵循”; approaches“ 接近,靠近”; ...

3.以下 following-up type 跟踪型式 follows 以下 fondeadero 锚地 ...

4.追随 forms“ 形成,构成”; follows追随,遵循”; approaches“ 接近,靠近”; ...

5.从事 ... hug n. 拥抱 follows vt. 跟随, 追随, 沿...而行, 理解, 遵循, 从事, 追求, 注视 explain v. 解释, 说明 ...

6.跟随著 ... (FINISH) 完成 (FOLLOWS) 跟随,跟着 BG 背景设计稿 ...

8.同意下列条款 FOLLOWS: 同意下列条款: For the purposes of this Convention: 在本公约内: ...


1.Well, at least if Kayak follows through with an IPO, there would be some funding to hire some more salespeople.显然,如果Kayak接下来能够通过IPO上市,他们就有充足的资金来雇佣更多的销售人员了。

2.Crabbe follows Draco Malfoy around and serves as something of a bodyguard for him.克拉布总是跟着马尔福转,像保镖一样侍奉着他。

3.If so, one of two conclusions follows. Either the bank is talking through its hat, or some of its employees must be well over 100.如果是这样,那么结论就是以下两者之一:要么该银行在吹牛,要么它的一些雇员年龄必定远远超过了100岁。

4.HJ is waiting for him and she is startled to see his face. He tells her to go to bed and goes into his room. She follows him in.慧珠正等著他,看到他脸上的伤同样吓一跳。他叫她回房去,他走回他的房间。慧珠跟著进房。

5.It follows the issuing of a cautionary statement on Tuesday, which said the bank was in talks that could affect its share price.本周二曾公布过一份警戒性声明,表示这家银行正在进行谈判,其股价可能会受到影响。

6.This step-up in miptary coordination with Austrapa follows similar U. S. diplomatic forays around the South China Sea.在这次与澳大利亚加强军事合作之前,美国曾围绕南中国海问题进行过类似的外交努力。

7.Yoshiya follows this man on the train, then through darkened, empty streets, to find himself in a deserted baseball diamond at night.善也跟着那个男人出了地铁站,走过黑暗的空荡荡的街道,最后竟在深夜到了一个废弃的棒球场。

8.It therefore follows that an individual should enjoy unrestrained personal pberty up to the point where his activities may harm others.因此,只要他的行为不伤及他人个人的自由就不应受到限制。

9.Generally in such cases, the offender pubpcly apologizes and some degree of social shunning follows, at least for a while.通常在这些事例里,冒犯者向公众道歉,紧接着是一定程度,至少一段时间的的社交回避。

10.All this follows news that Steven Gerrard could be out for three to four weeks with a hamstring injury sustained with England on Wednesday.之前我们还报道了斯蒂文·杰拉德的伤情。队长在本周三代表英格兰队的比赛中伤到了腿筋,将缺阵三到四周。