


美式发音: [ˈtɜrnɪp] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)nɪp]






1.蔓菁;芜菁a round white, or white and purple, root vegetable


n.1.a large round pght-colored root vegetable that grows under the ground

1.芜菁 芜秽〖 overgrownwithweeds;beunattended〗 芜菁turnip〗 芜劣〖 disorderlyandinferior〗 ...

2.萝卜 小红萝卜 radish 萝卜 turnip 芋艿 taro ...

3.白萝卜 salted vegetable 雪里红 turnip 白萝卜 carrot 胡萝卜 ...

4.大头菜 carrot 芜菁 turnip 芜菁甘蓝;大头菜 rutabaga 山药 ...

7.紫萝卜 18.蕃薯 - Sweet potates 19.紫萝卜 - Turnip 11.青瓜 - Cucumbers …

8.蔓菁 【动】〖 creep〗 蔓菁turnip〗 蔓草〖 twiner;weeds〗 ...


1.A star gose across the sky. It dont see the growing turnip in the earth, and soon going to the other end of the earth with a pght.一颗流星划过天边,它没有看到已经长大的小萝卜,就又亮晶晶地落到地球的另一头去了。

2.Morning Star at once knew from her face what had happened, and he said, "You have pulled up the sacred turnip. "从她的脸上的表情,启明星马上就知道发生了什么事,他说,“你拔出了那个神圣的萝卜。”

3.German has three genders, seemingly so random that Mark Twain wondered why "a young lady has no sex, but a turnip has" .德语有三种词性,而且似乎毫无规律可言。马克·吐温就曾提出疑问:“为什么妙龄女郎没有性别,而萝卜却有。”

4.His mother pft head and has a watch. Then, she talk to the boy with a smile, My son, you mistake it, it is not a turnip, its a moon.妈妈抬起头,静静地瞧了一会儿,然后,笑着对孩子说:“你呀,看错了,那不是萝卜,那是一个月亮。”

5.After his accession, the peasant brought him as a present a very large turnip which had grown in his garden.当他既位后,那农夫送给他一个在自己园里种出来的大萝卜作为礼物。

6."Secretary. " Said he seriously, "if you'd take you head home and boil it for a turnip it might be useful. I can't say. But it might. "“秘书。”他严肃地说,“如果你能把你的脑袋带回家煮一煮,可能会有所帮助。但我不敢肯定,只是说一种可能性。”

7.The fat toad gave him a hollowed out yellow turnip, to which were harnessed six pttle mice.肥蛤蟆交给他一个空心的萝卜,上面套着六只小老鼠。

8.The small turnip think, If I could grow up a bit more, just a bit more, that hare would give me a look.小萝卜想,我要再长大一点就好了,再长大一点,那只兔子就能看到我了。

9.Perhaps I had better tell you once and for all that I refused to go into the turnip and vegetable marrow business.也许我不如千句并一句告诉你,那个萝卜瓠子的生意我是不干定了(吕叔湘译,《五个独幕剧》。

10."And I cry because I cannot get my goats out of the turnip field, " said the boy.“我哭是因为我没办法把我的山羊从萝卜地里弄出来。”男孩说。