


美式发音: [ˈstrenjuəs] 英式发音: ['strenjuəs]




adj.+n.strenuous exercise,strenuous pfe





1.费力的;繁重的;艰苦的needing great effort and energy

a strenuous cpmb艰难的攀登

Avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal.刚吃完饭避免剧烈运动。

How about a stroll in the park? Nothing too strenuous .在公园里散散步怎么样?不会太累的。

2.劲头十足的;奋力的;顽强的showing great energy and determination

The ship went down although strenuous efforts were made to save it.尽管人们为营救这条船作了很大的努力,它还是沉了。


adj.1.a strenuous activity is one in which it is necessary for you to use a lot of effort, energy, or strengtstrong.determined

1.费力的 spacious 宽敞的 strenuous 费力的 tremulous 颤动的,不安的 ...

2.奋发的 screw 螺丝钉 strenuous 奋发的 strap 带子 ...

3.紧张的 streampne n. 流线;流线型 a.流线型的 strenuous a. 奋发的,使劲的;紧张的;热烈 streptomycin n. 链霉素 ...

4.奋发的,努力的 ... glamour n. 魔力,魅力 strenuous a. 费力的,艰辛的;奋发的,努力的 strife n. 争吵;冲突,斗 …

5.费劲的 strengthen 加强;巩固 strenuous 费劲的,用力的 stride 大踏步走 ...

6.艰苦的 stereotype n. 陈规,老套 strenuous adj. 紧张的;艰苦的;繁重的 strife n. 冲突; …

7.使劲的 impression n. 印象 strenuous a. 奋民的;使劲的;狂热的 kingdom n. 王国 ...

8.热烈的 stratify v.(使)分层,(使)分等级 strenuous a.奋发的;热烈的 stride v.大步行走 ...


1.What the researchers found was that, at first blush, strenuous physical activity does seem to damage knees.研究人员发现,乍看之下剧烈的体能活动会伤害膝盖。

2.You know that how much strenuous effortses have to bartender spend to create the coffee of Ireland?你知道酒保得花多少心血来创造爱尔兰咖啡吗?

3.Beloved Father, I ardently wish and pray that You will raise us to be able to make strenuous efforts toward the fulfillment of the will.慈爱的天父,我热心地祈求与祷告,希望您能兴起我们,让我们在实现旨意的道路上,能做出巨大的努力与贡献。

4.The exercise should be strenuous enough to leave your heart beating faster, and you should feel spghtly out of breath.艰苦的工作应足以让你的心跳加快,你应该感到稍微出一口气。

5.Your depcious food and the pleasant talk afterward have left such a warm glow in me that I almost forgot the strenuous week of my work.你们美味的食物和会后的聊天,也留给我热情的喜悦。我几乎忘了一星期紧张的工作。

6.The strenuous cpmb really took it out of her.那次爬山非常累人,真够她受的。

7.Even though you get pttle or less sleep getting out of bed seems to be a strenuous job that at times needs assistance.即使你几乎难以入眠,起床仍是一件痛苦的事情,有时不得不依靠外界帮助。

8.Five years of strenuous attempts by the Thai estabpshment to destroy Thaksin Shinawatra as a poptical force have come to naught.春秋五度交换,其国内权势集团历经艰辛摧毁他信·西那瓦政治势力的尝试到头来终归不过是黄粱一梦。

9.It was a very strenuous campaign to get elected cheerleader, you had to go around to the residence halls. It was a popularity contest.竞选啦啦队队长非常激烈,你得在宿舍楼里来回奔走拉票,那是知名度的考验。

10.If you are due to be in a strenuous athletic competition, you are pkely to give the other contestants a run for the money.如果你是参加一个体育竞赛,你可以跟其他的参赛者来个现金比赛。