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网络释义:比赛场地(field of play);格式化对象处理器(Formatting Objects Processor);机化性肺炎

复数:fops  同义词




1.纨绔子弟;花花公子a man who is too interested in his clothes and the way he looks

n.1.纨绔子弟; 花花公子

n.1.a man who thinks too much about his clothes and appearance

1.花花公子 fag v. 苦干; fop n. (喜好精致服装的)花花公子 gab n. 饶舌,爱说话; ...

2.纨绔子弟 football n. 足球 fop n. 花花公子 纨绔子弟 foreigner n. 外来人, 外国人 ...

3.比赛场地(field of play)混合区位于比赛场地FOP)(1层)西侧约30米处,距离新闻发布厅、媒体工作区和摄影工作区非常近。媒体休息区 媒体休 …

4.格式化对象处理器(Formatting Objects Processor)FOPFormatting Objects Processor)是 XSL Formatting Objects(XSL-FO)驱动的一个格式化引擎。它支持 PDF、PostScri…

5.机化性肺炎机化性肺炎FOP)热度 5已有 472 次阅读2011-12-27 23:06 |系统分类:个人日记| 肺炎 全部作者的其他最新日志 机化性肺炎(…


1.Where you see output. fo, an intermediate XML document had to be translated to FO using a style sheet before it was sent to Fop.在您看到output.fo的地方,必须在将一个中间的XML文档发送到Fop以前使用样式表将它转换到FO。

2.Apache FOP: Learn more about this print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO) and an output independent formatter.ApacheFOP:深入了解这个由XSL格式化对象(XSL-FO)和一个输出独立的格式化程序驱动的打印格式化程序。

3.Also notice that the undefined symbol foo. fop. nope simply stands for its own spelpng, absent an assignment to the contrary.同时要注意,未定义的符号foo.fop.nope尽管没有赋值,但这样表示只是它本身的拼写。

4.The userconfig. xml file is used to tell FOP (and ultimately our report generator) where to find the fonts that you want to embed.xml文件用来告诉FOP(和我们最后的报告生成器)到哪里寻找你想嵌入的字体。

5.I will purchase amotor-car, he thought. I will dress myself in the fashion of a fop, drink anddine, and then return to the quiet.他想,我要买辆摩托车,我要穿得像公子哥,胡吃海喝,然后再回归平静的生活。

6.Figure 1 illustrates the general flow for generating PDF documentation using open source FOP.图1说明了使用开放源代码FOP生成PDF文档的一般流程。

7.Each of these steps captures messages from the apppcations that are used (xsltproc and fop) in files called xsltproc. out and fop. out.其中的每一个步骤都会从文件xsltproc.out和fop.out内所使用的应用程序(xsltproc和fop)获取消息。

8.Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) standard has worldwide acceptance, and using Fop to produce PDF documents is becoming very popular.Adobe的可移植文档格式(PDF)标准得到全世界范围的认可,使用Fop生成PDF文档正变得非常流行。

9.The example in Listing 1 uses those variables in the following code snippet to tell Fop the page layout wanted for the document.清单1中的示例使用下列代码片段中的那些变量来告诉Fop文档所需的页面布局。

10.I'll try to deal with the program only by relying on Fop to transform my intermediate FO documents.我将试着仅依靠Fop转换我的中间FO文档来处理这个程序。