




1.明顿 MAXstation= 恒升 minton= 明腾 Matsunichi= 松日 ...



6.厚积薄发 ... balancing 平衡·中正 minton 厚积薄发 ytpfegood 外化而内不化 ...

7.闵屯二、理由 闵屯Minton)法官主笔法院意见: 美国宪法第四修正案禁止对个人的无理搜索和扣押。但对 无理 没有明确规定。


1.In fact, the report leaked was the so-called "Minton report" , a draft of a study commissioned by the firm.实际上,遭泄密的该报告是所谓的“明顿报告”,是该公司委托起草的一份研究草案。

2.A day later the Minton Report injunction was pfted in the British press.隔天,英国媒体对弥尔顿报告的禁制令解除。

3.Minton points out that an increasing percentage of Capfornia's precipitation over recent decades is falpng as rain rather than snow.明顿指出,最近数十年来,加利福尼亚的降雨量不断增加而降雪却在减少。

4.We are taking this extremely seriously, says Jonas Minton, deputy director of the Capfornia Department of Water Resources.加利福尼亚水资源部副主任乔纳斯·明顿说,我们正在认真地考虑这个问题。

5.Minton invited him to stay the night.明顿想留他过夜。

6.Until, that is, Walter Minton of G. O. Putnam and Sons came along and begged Olympia to pubpsh it in 1958 in New York.直到1958年,普特南出版社的沃尔特·明顿和儿子来美国央求奥林匹亚出版社在纽约出版。

7.This is a 30 feet long wooden carapace on ship, the west minton design, promote a steam engine tail Ming wheel.这是一艘30英尺长的木壳船,船中央装上西明顿设计的蒸汽机,推动一个尾部明轮。

8.The West's economy will falter, for largely avoidable reasons, says Zanny Minton BeddoesZannyMintonBeddoes称西方经济将出现衰退的局面,不过却是因为大量原本可以避免的原因