


美式发音: [ˈfɔrˌɡraʊnd] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)ˌɡraʊnd]




复数:foregrounds  现在分词:foregrounding  过去式:foregrounded  反义词




1.[c][ususing](景物、图画等的)前景the part of a view, picture, etc. that is nearest to you when you look at it

The figure in the foreground is the artist's mother.图画前景中的人是画家的母亲。

2.[sing]瞩目地位;重要位置an important position that is noticed by people

Inflation and interest rates will be very much in the foreground of their election campaign.通货膨胀和利率将很可能是他们竞选的重点问题。

IDMin the foreground在前台;在前景中being used at the present time and appearing in front of any other programs on the screenv.

1.~ sth强调;突出to give particular importance to sth

The play foregrounds the relationship between father and daughter.这部戏剧凸显了父女之间的关系。


n.1.the front part of a scene or picture. The part at the back is called the background

v.1.to give something more importance than something else

1.前景 foretime 以往,过去 foreground 前景 forefather 前人,祖先 ...

2.前台 forecast 预测 foreground 前台 forget 忽略 ...

3.前景色 grain 颗粒 foreground 近景 aerial colour photography 航空彩色摄影(术) ...


7.前台运行fg 将过程搬到前台运行Foreground); 将job转移到后台运行 若是你经常在X图形下工作,你可能有如许的经验:经由过程终 …

8.前景任务int MULTIPLE_TASK_LAUNCH 启动标记:和 NEW_TASK_LAUNCH 联合使用,禁止将已有的任务改变为前景任务 (foregroun


1.And from there we cpmb up to camp two, which is sort of the foreground.从那里,我们继续爬往二号营,看起来好像是前景。

2.The second picture contained for foreground only the dim peak of a hill, with grass and some leaves slanting as if by a breeze.第二张画,前景只是一座朦胧的小峰,草和叶子倾斜着,仿佛被微风吹动似的。

3.ASP dynamic web technology has been used to achieve data interactivity between foreground and background.利用ASP动态网页编程技术实现前后台的数据交互。

4.In our customization example, we combine these two approaches in such a way that the retrieval is a foreground process for up to 15 seconds.在我们的定制例子中,将这两种方式结合起来,获取操作在最多15秒内作为前台过程。

5.You could move your head a bit and look around an item in the foreground in order to see the view it had previously been obstructing.你可以稍微挪动一下你的头,环顾前景中一个物体的四周,以便看见原先被挡住的景物。

6.Theatre-goers receive sound from the front, reflected off the theatre's foreground, as well as from behind them, backscattered by the seats.观众们把从前面传来的声音反射到剧院前方区域,同时从后面传来的声音通过座椅进行背向散射。

7.Model pile essay and practical engineering apppcation indicate that this method has favorable apppcation foreground.模型桩试验分析及实际工程应用表明,该方法具有良好的应用前景。

8.An apppcation is loosely said to be in the foreground if it has keyboard focus.如果它有键盘焦点,一个应用程序宽松地说是在前景。

9.The total function better than domestic and international systematic now, have very extensive and appped foreground.其综合性能优于国内外现有系统,具有非常广泛的应用前景。

10.Microsoft is a major company with foreground development; I look forward to work for the company, and make great performance with you all.微软是有发展前景的大公司,希望能为贵公司效力,大家共同取得好的成绩。