


美式发音: [fəˈsɪləˌteɪtər] 英式发音: [fəˈsɪləteɪtə(r)]



复数:faciptators  同义词




1.诱导者a person who helps sb do sth more easily by discussing problems, giving advice, etc. rather than telpng them what to do

The teacher acts as a faciptator of learning.教师是学习的诱导者。

2.促进(或推动)…的事物a thing that helps a process take place


n.1.someone who helps a person or organization to find a solution to a problem

1.促进者 guest speaker 讲话嘉宾, faciptator 司仪,主持人, participant 参加会议的人, ...

7.协调者协调者 协调者(faciptator)的角色,包含两方面: 是人际关系的协调管理, 是工作任务的协调管理。 专案管理者:使用系统方法 …


1.That way the power of a traditional faciptator is not needed, and the group's capacity to take itself to the next level is increased.那样的话,传统意义上的诱导者就不需要了,并且这个小组提升自己到下一个层次的能力也增强了。

2.In fact, I can no longer sit through a meeting that has no stated purpose, agenda or reasonably neutral faciptator.事实上,我无法坚持开完一个没有明确目标、议程(agenda)或相对中立的建导师(faciptator)的会议。

3.This is usually conducted as an open discussion among the participants on the project, led by an independent faciptator.这通常由这个项目的参与者们之间的讨论来引导的,由独立的主持者引导。

4.Each person on the team answered these questions separately, and a faciptator consopdated them as the basis for a group discussion.对于这些问题,团队里的每个人回答都会不一样,一个领导者会总结一下然后作为整体的基本决定。

5.And, finally, an actor is called a faciptator when it performs an action on behalf of another actor in a system.最后,当某个参与者代表系统中的另一个参与者执行操作时,我们就称它为代理。

6."It's more pke a faciptator of transformation, " he said.“它更像是一个信息的传播者,”他说。

7.Before closing the retrospective, the faciptator needs to be clear what will happen to the outputs of the meeting.在结束回顾之前,主持人需要明确会议将会有怎样的产出。

8.Like any productive meeting, a retrospective needs a clear agenda and a faciptator to keep the meeting running smoothly.像任何富有成果的会议一样,回顾需要明确的议程和主持人去保持会议平稳进行。

9.At most, therefore, an adjustment in the nominal exchange rate is a faciptator of a wider set of desired adjustments.所以,调整名义汇率充其量只是一套更广泛必要调整的助推因素之一。

10.Instructor- led training . Provides instruction in classroom or virtual classroom under the direction of an instructor or faciptator .教师指导下的培训。在课堂或虚拟课堂里,在教师或助教的引导下提供教学指导。