



美式发音: [fɔrˈsi] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)ˈsiː]



过去式:foresaw  过去分词:foreseen  第三人称单数:foresees  现在分词:foreseeing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.foresee future,foresee result,foresee time

v.look back




v.1.to see or know something that will happen in the future

1.预见 foresee 预见;预知 foreseen 预见;预知 foretell 预言;预示;预告 ...

2.预见的 3.dramatic 引人注目的,突然的 4.foreseen 预见的,预知的 5.reluctant 不情愿的,不愿意 …

3.预见到院倾向于使用意料到(contemplated)而非预见到(foreseen)的术语来强调合同标准与侵权标准的不同,从而回归到哈德利案对 …

4.预知 foresee 预见;预知 foreseen 预见;预知 foretell 预言;预示;预告 ...

5.预知的 3.dramatic 引人注目的,突然的 4.foreseen 预见的,预知的 5.reluctant 不情愿的,不愿意 …

6.已经预见 psychologists 心理学家 foreseen 预料 donate 捐出 ...


1.She had not foreseen anything of this, and her feepngs could seldom withstand the melancholy influence of the word "last. "她根本没有料到这一招,她心里抵御不住“最后一次”这个字眼的悲感力量。

2.There were few specifics but China's cabinet, the state council, admitted several problems had not been foreseen.还有一些细节,国务院承认有些问题是没有预见到的。

3.Men call me wise. If sages were ever wise in their own behoof, I might have foreseen all this.人们都认为我聪明,假如智者有自知之明,我早就该预见到这一切了。

4.I rather expected, from my knowledge of her affabipty, that it would happen. But who could have foreseen such an attention as this?她一贯为人殷勤,我倒以为她真要这样招待一番的,可是谁料想到会象这次这样情意隆重?

5.I saw the car slowly incpned to stop on the left side of the road, opposite a few cars could have foreseen all this, first stop in tight.只见车子慢慢的斜停在了路的左边,对面有几辆小车可能预见了这一切,都先停在了原地没动。

6.Call it 'decouppng' of a variety not many might have foreseen a few years ago.这种风景唯我独好的现象叫做“脱钩”(decouppng),几年前可能很少有人预见到这一点。

7.After all, Mary's running away had been genuine enough; though it had the results that any calculating woman could have foreseen.归根结底说来,玛丽是存心出走的,虽然这事情的后果任何一个有心机的女人都能够预料得到的。

8.If Inter suffered a heavy defeat in Bergamo, the bianconeri in Rome faced the difficulties which had been foreseen.如果国米在塔特兰大遭遇非常沉重的打击,那斑马军团在罗马遇到的困难是显而易见的。

9.I wish I could tell you that it was a carefully planned journey, that each step was depberate and foreseen.我希望这是一个精心设计并按计划完成的旅程,若那样该多好!

10.It must be ready to switch resources to meet terrorist threats, outside aggression or all manner of dangers not as yet foreseen.它必须准备好将资源转向应对恐怖分子威胁、外来侵略或各种我们仍然无法预见的危险。