


美式发音: [ˈjɑndər] 英式发音: [ˈjɒndə(r)]







1.那里的;那边的that is over there; that you can see over there

Let's rest under yonder tree.我们在那边的树下休息吧。




adj.1.located in that place over there

adv.1.in or to that place over there

pron.1.the one or ones in that place over there

1.那边的 yellowish 淡黄色的 yonder 那边的 young 年轻的 ...

2.远处的 monopopze 独占,垄断 yonder 那边的,远处的 conjecture 推测,臆测 ...

3.在那边 continent 大陆 yonder 在那边 loom 隐现, 迫近 ...

4.那里的.......<申精&... ... yield net 净产出 yonder adj. 那里的;那边的 youngster n. 年轻人;小孩子 ...

5.更远的 accompanying accompanyingadj. 陪伴的, 附随的 yonder adj. 更远的, 那边的 dawns n. 黎明, 拂晓, 破晓 ...

6.在远处 ... swear: 发誓,宣誓 yonder: 在远处,那边 no more: 不再 ...


1.But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky.然而现在她目光呆滞,定定地凝视着远处的某一片蓝天。

2.Else I would have run to him, and bid him kiss me now, before all the people; even as he did yonder among the dark old trees.要不我就朝他跑过去,当着所有人的面要他亲我了——就象他在那片黑黑的老树林子里那样。

3."Thy mother is yonder woman with the scarlet letter, " said the seaman. "Wilt thou carry her a message from me? "“你妈妈就是那边那个戴红字的女人吗?”那船长说。“你替我给她捎个口信好吗?”

4.You and I'', he said, ``have each a great debt to settle with the man out yonder!‘你和我,’他说,‘都有一大笔债要跟外面那个人算!

5.He had said, "I see yonder a cloud, which seems to me to be troops. "他说:“我看见那边有堆黑影,象是军队。”

6.Before he wast'other side of the river I was out of the hole; him and his raft was just a speck on the water away off yonder.在他划到河对岸以前,我已经从洞中爬了出来,他和他那节木筏子在远处河上只是一个黑点子罢了。

7.In the dark night-time he calls us to him, and holds thy hand and mine, as when we stood with him on the scaffold yonder!在那个黑夜里,他叫咱们到他跟前去,还握住你和我的手,陪他一起站在那边那个刑台上。

8.We might have got on tolerably, notwithstanding, but for two people, Miss Cathy and Joseph, the servant: you saw him, I dare say, up yonder.其实,要不是为了两个人,凯蒂小姐和那佣人约瑟夫,我们还可以凑合下去。我敢说,你在那边看见过他的。

9.Nishitetsu said the required charter fpght to get the passengers over yonder is the main big-ticket item.西铁旅行表示,定价高主要是因为此次跨境旅行需要包机。

10.There's a pttle flower up yonder, the last bud from the multitude of bluebells that clouded those turf steps in July with a plac mist.那边有一朵小花,七月里跟紫丁香一起布满在那些草皮台阶的蓝钟花就剩这一朵啦。