


美式发音: [ˈmɑrɡoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈmɑ:ɡəu]





1.玛尔戈 Mardi 玛蒂 Margo 玛格 Marla 玛拉 ...

6.玛购 纹孔塞 torus 塞缘 margo 纹孔道 pit canal ...

8.马高;化妆,方圆;置景,包天鸣;道具,凤岐;舞蹈表演,马高(Margo) ;鼓乐演奏,戴菲诺(Olpe Delfino ) ;客串歌唱,方逸华;录音设备提供,美...


1.Margaret ( Margo ) was a real person, author Alexandre Dumas, fall in love with her, finally left her. Miss, just write down this tragedy.玛格丽特(玛歌)是一个真实的人,作者小仲马爱上她,最后离开她。因为怀念,才写下这个悲剧。

2.Margo : Maybe I should charge you for a change . I think I'll go to the powder room ; I can only take a pttle of this at a time .也许我应该问你要些零钱。我想我要到化妆间去了;我只能一次拿一点这个。

3.Karen: Margo, you've got to see her, she worships you, it's pke something out of a book.凯伦:玛歌,你得见她,她好祟拜你,就好比书里面的一样。

4.Margo: Oh, now, Bill. You know how much I do. But over a phone? Now, really. That's kid stuff.玛歌:比尔,你知道我有多爱你。但是在电话里面?那是小孩子玩的把戏。

5.Woman on yacht: It's all so boring here, Margo-there's nothing but playboys and tennis pros. If only I could find a real man. . .游艇上的女人:这处真闷啊,马高--这儿除了花花公子和网球手外什麽也没有。如果能找到一个猛男……

6.Margo: ", Miss Channing. " You can't rightly say we lost the war. We was more starve out, you might say.玛歌:“嗨!好了,钱宁小姐。”你不能公正地说我们输了这场战争。你可以说,我们是因为饿得不行了。

7.Between them, by the dressing table, is Birdie - Margo's maid.在他们中间,靠着梳妆台的是柏蒂,她是玛歌的女佣。

8.Linda: It's all so boring here, Margo - there's nothing but playboys and tennis pros.琳达:马戈,这太无聊了,除了花花公子就是网球专家。

9.Margo: I knew it, I sensed it. Even as I finished dressing for that blasted party.玛歌:我早就知道了,甚至在我为那个见鬼的派对穿完晚礼服后就感觉到了。

10.Margo: Yes, I guess you were. It was very thoughtful of you, Eve.玛歌:是的,我就猜到你会。你真细心和体贴,艾娃。