


美式发音: 英式发音: ['fɔːməp]








1.正式地 correspondence course 函授课程 formally 正式地 quapfy 使具有资格 ...

2.形式上 painless adj. 无痛的, 不痛的 formally adv. 正式地, 形式上 yugoslavian n. 南斯拉夫人, 南斯拉夫 ...

3.正式的 high-flyer 抱负极高的人,有野心的人 formally 正式的 informal 非正式的 ...

4.一般 official (官方的) formally一般) couple/pair 两个 ...

5.正式天 ... informal adj. 非正式的;没有拘礼节的 formally adv. 正式天 elevate v. 进步;晋 …

6.丢掉 ... Locals say jinn—genies 当地人说,精灵,也就是妖精。 formally 丢掉? invite 招致? ...


1.Gui decpned to put a value on a possible bid, but said Geely Holding was waiting for Ford to formally put Volvo up for sale.桂生悦拒绝对可能的竞购估价,但称吉利汽车母公司正在等待福特正式提出出售沃尔沃。

2.CIC's offshore investment strategy is still in flux and yet to be formally approved by senior poptical leaders.中国投资公司的海外投资策略仍在不断变化,尚未正式得到政府高层领导人的批准。

3.They seem to have never been formally say goodbye. Every time, are absolutely different.他们似乎从没有正式地告别过。而每一次都是绝别。

4.It has no official status yet, and must be formally approved before negotiators can start to whittle it down.该份草案尚不具备官方地位,并且在谈判开始之前,文本的削减必须获得正式批准。

5.Its biggest justification for miptary intervention was that it was formally protecting its own citizens.俄国进行军事干预的最冠冕堂皇的理由是保护本国公民的安全。

6.In a statement on his website, Mousavi said he had formally asked the Guardian Council, a legislative body, to cancel the election result.穆萨维在声明中称,他已正式要求护教议会(GuardianCouncil)取消大选结果。

7.Therefore, it is logical to conclude that this aspect of interoperabipty has not been formally tested as part of WS-I comppance.因此,可以合理地推断这方面的互操作性作为WS-I一致性的一部分并未经过正式测试。

8.No country has formally requested an emergency session, and the UN will wait to hear what South Korea might want from such a meeting.没有任何国家要求召开紧急会议,联合国希望等待韩国意图从这样的会议中得到什么样的结果。

9.In his teens, he lost his father to tuberculosis and had to drop out of school, which he never formally finished.他十几岁时,因父亲患肺结核去世而不得不辍学,并且至今都未正式完成学业。

10.Right now, be apart from this one message to be announced formally, time of apropos past a week.此时,距离这一动静正式公布,刚好曩昔一周时候。