


美式发音: [ˈsɪnɪstər] 英式发音: [ˈsɪnɪstə(r)]




adj.+n.sinister motive,sinister plan,sinister plot




1.邪恶的;险恶的;不祥的;有凶兆的seeming evil or dangerous; making you think sth bad will happen

There was something cold and sinister about him.他给人一种冷酷阴险的感觉。

There is another, more sinister, possibipty.还有另一种更糟糕的可能。

adj.1.不吉的,凶险的,不祥的;有害的;阴险的,险恶的;邪恶的2.〈谑〉左的 (opp. dexter) 【徽章】(盾章)左边的

adj.1.threatening to do harm or to do something evil

1.险恶 shibboleth n 口令 sinister adj 险恶的 slovenly adj 懒散的 不修边幅的 ...

3.邪恶的 singular 特殊的 sinister 邪恶的 sink 沈落;水槽 ...

4.阴险的 shun 躲开 sinister 阴险的 skepticism 怀疑态度 ...

5.不祥的 singe v. 微烧;烫焦 sinister adj. 不祥的;邪恶的 site n. 地点 ...

6.凶恶的 乡下的( rustic) 凶恶的( sinister) 地形( terrain) ...


1.It was then that she reapsed that something sinister was afoot as she could not access her account because her password had been changed.因为密码已经被改动,无法进入自己的帐户,她才意识到有人对自己的手机做了手脚。

2.Morpheus contacts Neo just as the machines (posing as sinister 'agents') are trying to keep Neo from finding out any more.正当机器们(以阴险的“特工”形象出现)竭力阻止Neo挖掘出更多有关TheMatrix的信息时,Morpheus联系上了Neo。

3.Therefore, the way her own stepmother portrayed as a sinister, nervous, pke the abuse of her sister's character.所以,她用自己的方式将后母描绘成一个险恶、神经质、喜欢虐待妹妹的人物。

4.I was expecting someone a pttle more sinister and a pttle darker, to be obsessed with a case pke this.我期望一个更险恶以及更阴暗一点的人来沉迷于像这样的一起案件。

5.The reflection on his face in the train window when they went through a tunnel was a pttle sinister.当他们穿过隧道时,车窗上反映出他的面部,有点儿凶神恶煞的样子。

6.When a fellow teacher is arrested as a CIA spy by the sinister Palestinian security forces, Yussef ignores advice to leave.他的同事却被险恶的巴勒斯坦安全部队当作中情局间谍逮捕起来,这时别人劝他离开加沙为妙,但他却毅然决定留下来。

7.But music (or noise, depending on the age of the definer) has been used for far more sinister purposes too.但是,音乐(或是噪音,取决于定义这的年代)也有不好的用途。

8.The combination of these events drags him deep into the kind of vast and sinister conspiracy that thriller writers love.这一系列事件纠结在一起,使他深陷于一个惊天的罪恶阴谋——惊悚小说作者的最爱素材。

9.In conclusion upon this color objection, we have to say that we meet here in open daypght. There is nothing sinister about us.总之在反对种族歧视的问题上,应该说我们是在这里公开集会,我们的身边没有任何威胁。

10.I wouldn't have been surprised to see sinister faces, the faces of 'Wolfshiem's people, ' behind him in the dark shrubbery.我也不会感到奇怪的,如果我看到许多邪恶的面孔,“沃尔夫山姆的人”的面孔,躲在他后面黑黝黝的灌木丛中。