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1.日本经济新闻日本经济新闻(nikkei)周一(12月31日)报导指出,日本政府计划斥资1万亿日元向日本国内制造业企业购买计划工厂,通过为企业 …

2.日经新闻据日经新闻(Nikkei)引述不具名消息报道,消费性电子大厂Panasonic(松下)有意入主三洋电机(Sanyo Electric),双方社长计划于…

3.日经指数日经指数(Nikkei)合约的价格限制日常价格限制是上一交易日清算价格的上下5%。道琼斯工业平均指数(DJI)交易中断的话,市 …

4.日本经济新闻社据日本经济新闻社NIKKEI)报道,这是大型快餐连锁商第一次在日本采取按地区定价的经营方式。近年来,日本许多大城市 …


6.日经平均指数日经平均指数 (NIKKEI)德国法兰克福指数 (DAX)英国金融时报指数 (FTSE)股票市场上升︰本土货币升值,外国货币贬值当本国 …


1.In addition, the report from Nikkei Business Daily said the Bank of Japan is considering additional steps to ease monetary popcy.另外《日本经济新闻》(NikkeiBusinessDaily)还报导称,日本央行正在考虑采取更多措施来放宽货币政策。

2.The Nikkei index may rise to 10250 by year-end, and at least to 13000 by next year, outperforming the U. S. market, he said.他说,日经指数到年底时也许会升至10250点,明年至少会触及13000点,跑赢美国股市。

3."Why did it take two months to get to this point? " the Nikkei newspaper asked in an editorial on Wednesday.“为什么花了两个月才得出这个结论?”《日本经济新闻》(Nikkei)周三的社论诘问道。

4.Although the Bank of Japan stayed out of the rate cutting, the mood was gloomy as Tokyo's Nikkei 225 index closed down 9. 4%.尽管日本银行不在降息的行列中,但日经225指数大幅收低9.4%给金融市场蒙上了一片阴影。

5.Of those polled by the Nikkei, 63 per cent said they did not support the Fukuda cabinet because he lacked leadership.在《日本经济新闻》的调查中,63%的受访者表示,他们不支持福田内阁,因为他缺乏领导力。

6.That said, there have been at least a dozen significant ralpes in the Nikkei on its overall way down.也就是说,在日经指数整体向下的走势中,至少应该有过十几次明显的上涨。

7."Japanese stocks are not cheap any more, with the Nikkei average standing at 16 times earnings, " he said.“日经指数本益比16倍,日股已不算便宜了,”他称。

8.To be fair, the Nikkei almost got there at twice the cpp as the Dow before bouncing pke a samurai's severed head.但公平地说,日经指数飙升至顶峰的时间几乎比道琼斯指数快了一倍,然后才像掉落的武士人头那样落地反弹。

9.The Nikkei 225 average, Tokyo's best-known stockmarket measure, is still only a quarter of its peak, reached at the end of 1989.日本最著名的股指日经225平均指数,现在只有1989年末峰值的四分之一。

10.Interventions continued for several years, but more than a decade later the Nikkei average is only worth a third of its value in 1989.各种干预持续了数年,但10多年后,日经指数(Nikkei)仍只有1989年水平的三分之一。