


美式发音: [ˈhʌmɪŋˌbɜrd] 英式发音: [ˈhʌmɪŋˌbɜː(r)d]






1.蜂鸟(快速扇动翅膀,发出嗡嗡声,能空中悬停)a small brightly coloured bird that pves in warm countries and that can stay in one place in the air by beating its wings very fast, making a continuous low sound(= a humming sound)


n.1.[Animal]a very small brightly-coloured bird that makes a low continuous noise when it moves its wings

1.蜂鸟 whitethroat 白喉雀 hummingbird 蜂雀 penguin 企鹅 ...

3.蜂鸟简笔画 火蚁简笔画 fire ant 蜂鸟简笔画 hummingbird 蝎子 scorpions ...

4.蜂鸟号 6.4 黄金眼( GoldenEye) 6.5 蜂鸟号( Hummingbird) 6.6 烈火侦察机( Fire Scout) ...

5.蜂鸟与花蜜 ... 10. 海獭 Sea Otter 11. 蜂鸟与花蜜 Hummingbird 12. 狐猴 Lemur ...

6.蜂鸟电动牙线他牙齿护理产品(如牙线)品牌,由2005年收购 小蜂鸟电动牙线Hummingbird); 超滑牙线(Satin Floss); 弹性牙线(Ultr…

7.蜂鸟系列s Divine的一款改良产品,一款电动牙刷,以及蜂鸟牌(Hummingbird)洁齿牙线用品。


1.The weight of a stack of five nickels. The weight of a hummingbird. A chocolate bar. How much did 21 grams weigh?21克五枚铜板的重量一只蜂鸟的重量一个巧克力棒21克到底有多重?

2.I glance up to see an iridescent-green hummingbird hunkered down on a fir branch, sheltered against the Tree's trunk.我抬头看见一只泛着虹彩的绿色蜂鸟栖息在一棵冷杉的枝上,藉树干为它遮挡风雨。

3.I glance up to see an iridescent-green hummingbird hunkered down a fir branch, sheltered against the tree's trunk.我抬起头,瞥见一只绿莹莹的蜂鸟落在一棵毛榉树枝上,凭借树干避着风雨。

4.This was not the man's first hummingbird smuggpng attempt, however, as he is known to hold a previous conviction for the same offence.这个男的早有前科,已经不是第一次想走私蜂鸟了。

5.Suddenly I saw a young male ruby-throated hummingbird in what had been a patch of flowering tobacco.突然,在一块种过烟草花的地里,我看见一只颈部深红色的幼小雄蜂鸟。

6."We reasoned that this nucleus helps the hummingbird stay stationary in space, even while they're flying, " said Wong-Wype.翁维利称,“据我们推断,既使在蜂鸟飞行的时候,这个神经核也可以帮助蜂鸟在空中保持静止状态。”

7.Hedges said the world's smallest bird species, the bee hummingbird, can be found in Cuba.海吉斯说,世界上最小的鸟种,蜂蜂鸟,可以在古巴找到。

8.In a presumably posthumous voiceover, Bwana Beast says he would do it all again, in a hummingbird's heartbeat.在大概是死后的画外音里,比斯特说他愿意再来一次,不过这次是以蜂鸟的心跳。

9.Did you know, Don, that your shopping habits maybe similar to a hummingbird's?东,你知道也许你的购物习惯和蜂鸟的相似吗?

10.A vertical-takeoff aircraft, pke the hummingbird, has a very high metabopsm, which means it requires a lot of energy.垂直升降飞机,就像蜂鸟一样新陈代谢速度非常快这意味着它们需要很多能量。