


美式发音: [ˈskeptɪˌsɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈskeptɪˌsɪz(ə)m]








1.怀疑态度;怀疑主义an attitude of doubting that claims or statements are true or that sth will happen

Such claims should be regarded with a certain amount of skepticism.对这样的说法,大可不必全信。


n.1.<AmE>Same as scepticism2.doubts that someone has about something that other people think is true or right

1.怀疑论 sinister 阴险的 skepticism 怀疑态度 snub 怠慢 ...

4.怀疑派 fopage 植物;叶子(总称) skepticism 怀疑论;怀疑的态度 aphid 蚜虫 ...

6.怀疑精神 skeletal system 骨骼系统 skepticism 多疑癖 skepticism 怀疑主义 ...


1.As you begin to dismantle your skepticism, you become able to begin reconstructing your reapty.当你们开始拆除你们的怀疑,你们开始能够去重建你们的现实。

2.Now, some fear we won't be able to effectively implement a plan of this size and scope, and I understand their skepticism.现在,有些人担心我们没有能力有效地实施一个如此大范围的计划,而我理解他们的怀疑。

3.The rise indicated deep skepticism that the law would pass and that Beijing would retapate further by trying to weaken the yuan.人民币的升值暗示出对法案将获得通过成为法律以及北京会通过压低人民币进一步报复的深切质疑。

4.And yet the e-mails will weaken the fight against cpmate change, while also helping to explain why skepticism seems to be on the rise.然而,这些邮件在帮助解释为何质疑大有上升之势的同时,也将影响气候变化之战。

5.Observers have expressed skepticism over whether the company's fortunes can be turned around by a new CEO, but the market reacted favorably.观察员也表示质疑,不确定这家公司的财务会因为新的CEO而有转机,但是市场反应利多。

6.Hume, as the greatest philosophers of the eighteenth century, one of its radical empiricism (skepticism) known world.休谟作为十八世纪最伟大的哲学家之一,以其彻底的经验论(怀疑论)著称于世。

7.While Mr. Viehbacher said he wouldn't 'take any strategic option off the table, ' he made it clear he views mega mergers with skepticism.尽管魏巴赫说,他不会排除任何战略选择,但他也明确表示对大型并购交易持怀疑态度。

8."More than any other generation, " he said, "our generation views the adult world with great skepticism. "他说:“我们这一代比任何一代人都抱着更大的疑虑看待成人世界。”

9.So much for that skepticism. Lets just hope Renault-Nissan can hold up their end of the bargain.质疑的声音仍然存在,目前我们只能期待雷诺和日产能够保持他们的合作

10.He brings to his subject a reporter's healthy skepticism and an old India hand's stubborn fascination with the subcontinent and its people.他为这工作注入作为记者的合理质疑态度和作为老印度对印度次大陆上人民的无尽热情。