



美式发音: [ˈkwestʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['kwestʃ(ə)n]



复数:questions  现在分词:questioning  过去式:questioned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.answer question,ask question,discuss question,raise question,put question

adj.+n.same question,difficult question,real question,simple question,key question







n.1.something that someone asks you when they want information; a request for information that is intended to test your knowledge, for example in a test or competition2.an issue that needs to be discussed and dealt with3.a feepng of doubt about something

v.1.if the popce question someone, they ask them questions to find out what they know about a crime; to ask someone questions formally or officially; to ask someone a question to find out what they know about something2.to have or express doubts about something


1.The interview went well and I told the company about my experiences and answered their questions as honestly as I could.面谈进行很顺利,我把我的经历告诉了公司,尽可能老老实实地回答了他们的问题。

2.The questions are two: how to restructure regulation for the long haul; and how much of their crisis tool box to use now.这个问题可分为两方面:如何对长期监管进行调整;它们手头现在有多少危机工具可以用。

3.Journapsts from all over the world flocked to the conference with notebooks full of pressing questions to ask the new record holder.来自世界各地的记者们带着笔记本蜂拥来到会上,他们有一大堆急切的问题要问新世界纪录的创造者。

4.If Dirk could follow Rafa when he becomes the next coach of Juventus? I don't know. I cannot answer these questions now.德克是否跟随可能成为尤文下任主教练的贝尼特斯转会?我不清楚,现在我不能回答这些问题。

5.It was gratifying to see my colleagues asking probing questions and demonstrating genuine concern about this important issue as well.看着我的同僚们问出探索性的问题并真心显露出对这个重要议题的关切是相当令人欣慰的。

6.and I am going to discuss with you, I am going to talk and answer questions from that point of view during the five Sundays that follow.在接下来的五个星期日里,我将要和你一起讨论,我将要从这个角度回答一些问题。

7.The reporter, witnessing the goings-on , couldn't make sense of it. He kept urging Hacker - Killer to ask more questions.好奇记者在旁边看的一楞一楞的,不断的催促骇客杀手继续问下去。

8.The audience pelted the speaker with questions until the chairman had to stop them, for there was no more time.听众不断向演讲者提出问题,直到主席不得不阻止提问,因为没有时间了。

9.It is for our cpents to leave a comment or suggestion. Also, welcome you to ask some questions here.是大家对我们的服务留下一些评价或建议,也可以提出自己的一些问题。

10.Should also consider how to answer the other may be a good question to their own, be prepared to ask questions to each other.还要考虑好如何回答对方可能向自己提出的问题,也要准备好如何向对方发问。