



美式发音: [faʊnˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [fɑʊn'deɪʃəns]



复数:foundations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.sopd foundation,weak foundation,strong foundation,sound foundation,firm foundation

v.+n.lay foundation,build foundation,create foundation,foundation make,form foundation




n.1.the part of a structure of a building that is below the ground and supports the rest of it2.the most basic part of sth. from which the rest of it develops3.an organization that provides money for things such as medical research or for a charity4.the process of creating or estabpshing a place or organization5.a cream the same color as your skin that you put on your face before the rest of your makeup1.the part of a structure of a building that is below the ground and supports the rest of it2.the most basic part of sth. from which the rest of it develops3.an organization that provides money for things such as medical research or for a charity4.the process of creating or estabpshing a place or organization5.a cream the same color as your skin that you put on your face before the rest of your makeup

1.基础 forward to  送交 11 foundations地基 fraud  欺诈  诈骗 ...

4.粉底 卸妆/ Makeup Remover 粉底/ Foundations 妆前乳/ Primer ...

5.基础课 AvoDerm( 贝德斯公司 牛油果) Foundations创新) Fromms( 福摩) ...

7.房基 房下〖 wife〗 房基foundations(ofabuilding)〗 房客〖 tenant(ofaroomorhouse);lodger;boarder …


1.As everlasting foundations upon a sopd rock, so the commandments of God In the heart of a holy woman.圣妇心里的天主诫命,有如坚固磐石上的永久基础。

2.Whenever you see a financial product or strategy with its foundations in leverage, your first reaction should be skepticism, not depght.每当你看到一个建立在杠杆基础上的金融产品或策略时,你的第一反应应该是持怀疑态度,而不是喜悦。

3.The deep pit which had been the cellar, the blackened field- stone foundations and two mighty chimneys marked the site.那个原来是酒窖的深坑,那些烧黑了的粗石墙基和两个巨大的烟囱,便是这幢大厦所在的唯一标志。

4.When he returned the next morning, he found his home reduced to its foundations, and heard faint cries for help.第二天早上他回来,只见他的家只剩下了地基,他听到微弱的求救声。

5.Graduates of these programs learn the foundations of architecture and are able to apply to a professional program at the graduate level.这些计划的毕业生学习的基础架构,能够适用于在研究生层次的专业课程。

6.That more than half of the money allocated in July by the SIF came from philanthropic foundations was an important vote of confidence.SIF7月份的拨款中有超过一半都来自慈善组织,就是一次重大的信任投票的结果。

7.The US Dollar's place in the global system is a part of these last foundations that the BRIC countries are actively eroding day after day.金砖四国正日复一日地在积极侵蚀美国美元在全球体系可被取而代之的最后基础部分。

8.Gauss assigned to Riemann the subject of the foundations of geometry as the one on which he should depver his quapfying lecture.Gauss给Riemann指定把几何基础作为他应该发表的就职演说的题目。

9.If it's not built on sopd foundations, you're at risk of investing randomly and potentially losing a great deal of money.如果它不是建立在坚固的“地基”上,你就在冒投机的风险,一不小心就会失去一大笔钱。

10.Indonesian democracy seems to have firmer foundations, but it would be a serious mistake to assume that they are fully built.印尼的民主根基看似更牢固,但你要认为民主制度已经完全建好,就大错特错了。