



美式发音: [ˈfaʊndər] 英式发音: [ˈfaʊndə(r)]




第三人称单数:founders  现在分词:foundering  过去式:foundered  同义词

n.chest founder


v.1.失败,垮掉2.【航】沉没3.(土地等)陷落;掉进(泥淖等里) (in) (房屋等)倒塌4.(马等)摔倒5.(马)患蹄叶炎6.使沉没7.使摔倒,弄跛(马脚);使倒塌,使垮掉8.破坏,损害1.失败,垮掉2.【航】沉没3.(土地等)陷落;掉进(泥淖等里) (in) (房屋等)倒塌4.(马等)摔倒5.(马)患蹄叶炎6.使沉没7.使摔倒,弄跛(马脚);使倒塌,使垮掉8.破坏,损害


v.1.to begin to fail2.if a ship or boat founders, it becomes full of water and sinks

n.1.someone who starts a school, organization, business, or community

1.创办人 ... 第Ⅲ部 终曲 Endings 第Ⅰ部 奠基者 Founders 第Ⅱ部 古典时期 Classics ...

4.创立者 More 更多 >> founders 创建人 unveiled 揭开面纱 ...

6.公司创始人简介 8.我们的社区文化( Culture) 9.公司创始人简介( Founders) ①我们对企业的支持( To our partn…

7.创办团队 开设课程 Courses 创办团队 Founders 伙伴朋友 Partners ...

8.创始股东 ... Interest Rate 利率 5% Founders 创始股东: 67.74% 63.00% Investors 投资人: 32.26% 30.…


1.Apce is one of the founders of Richmond Greenspace Society, and a supporter to save Garden City Lands.黄陈小萍创立了列治文绿色空间协会,并支持保存花园城市土地。

2.As long ago as the very beginning of our repubpc, its founders saw that the cities were danger-spots in their plan.早在建国之初,共和国的缔造者们就已经看到,城市是他们规划中的危险之地。

3.Sergey Brin, one of Google's founders, has said the cyberattacks were the straw that broke the camel's back.谷歌创始人之一塞吉?布林(SergeyBrin)曾表示,网络攻击是压垮骆驼的那根稻草。

4.So the Founders put out a call to all souls in all universes that had completed at least one Polarity Integration Game.这样创设者呼吁在所有宇宙的全部灵魂至少完成一个极性融合游戏。

5.From the beginning, when he bought Starbucks' six stores from its quirky founders in 1987, he knew what the company could be.在一开始,当他在1987年从古怪的星巴克创始者那里买来6家店面时,他就知道该怎么做了。

6.The document did not reveal how much each of Blackstone's founders and other dozen top executives would sell into the IPO.这份文件没有透露黑石创始人和其他12位高管将在首发中出让的股权比例。

7.She was one of the founders of Girton College, and worked hard at opening the medical profession to woman.她是格顿学院的创办人之一,力图使妇女进入医疗行业。

8.This catalytic role was one of the most satisfying outcomes for the bank's surviving founders, Grzywinski and Houghton.这种促进角色是银行的创始人葛文琦和霍顿最满意的成果之一。

9.And yet conventional ideas of professionapsm have such an iron grip on our minds that even startup founders are affected by them.很可惜,我们关于职业精神的观念像个紧箍咒一样束缚着我们的思想,以至于一些创业者都受其影响。

10.Though they're statistically abnormal, startup founders seem to be working in a way that's more natural for humans.创业者生活得虽自在,却不规律,然而他们的日子好像更贴近自然法则一些。