


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.珍妮 Patricia 派翠西亚 Janey 珍妮 271. Patsy 裴西 ...

2.詹妮 Janetta 珍妮塔 英语 Janey 詹妮 英语 Janice 贾妮丝 希伯来语 ...

3.译名詹尼 ... Joan 译名琼; 琼恩; 霍安; 若昂; 约安。 Janey 译名詹尼; 扬内伊; 扬尼; 扬内利; 汉尼。 Nancy 译名南希; 南茜。 ...

4.王晶因而占优;另一身高 5尺 8寸的「扁平海宁」 1号甄敏婷( Janey)则於去年参加温哥华华姐选举,她一味够高但唔够省镜,落败有因。

6.颜楚楚共收录颜楚楚(Janey)好听的歌曲(1)首全部播放首 页 歌曲排行榜 歌手大全 音乐曲风 天天好歌 淘歌 音乐电台 DJ舞曲 高清MV 点歌


1.She raised a troubled brow from her needlework to ask: "Has Janey told you? "她停下针线活,抬起忧虑的额头问道:“詹尼告诉你了吗?”

2.Why did Derek and Janey first conceal the fact that the trousers were stained and later decide to tell the truth?为何Derek和Janey开始隐瞒裤子被弄脏了后来又决定说出实情?

3."Janey! " said her mother; and Miss Archer blushed and tried to look audacious.“詹尼!”她母亲说;阿切尔小姐脸一红,同时想装出无所顾忌的样子。

4."Another lamp, " she cried to the retreating servant, while Janey bent over to straighten her mother's cap.“再点一盏灯,”她向退出去的仆人喊道,詹尼这时正低头抚平母亲的便帽。

5.He had not heard her divorce spoken of since Janey's first random allusion to it, and had dismissed the tale as unfounded gossip.第一次听詹尼随便说起她要离婚时,他把它当作了毫无根据的流言,并没在意。此后,他再也没有听人说过这事。

6.The next afternoon, as Archer, before dinner, sat smoking sullenly in his study, Janey wandered in on him.第二天晚饭之前,阿切尔正心情阴郁地坐在书房里吸烟,詹尼漫步进来走到他跟前。

7.Janey: You mean to tell me that you made this perfume from scratch?你想告诉我是你亲手做成这些香水的吗?

8.Janey: No wonder we couldn't find it anywhere; and all along I thought it was because you could only buy it in France.难怪到处找不到这种香水,我还一直以为你可以在法国买到。

9.It's odd, " Janey remarked, " that she should have kept such an ugly name as ellen!“奇怪,”珍妮说,“她竟一直用埃伦这么个难听的名字。”

10.Janey: No way. It's perfect. I don't pke the spicy kind and I have an aversion to wearing the powdery kind.不,简直是完美极了。我不喜欢香料型的,并且对粉末型有强烈的厌恶感,