




1.壁虎 ... 蓖麻子粉末 Ricinus communis L 壁虎粉末 Gekko 薜荔果粉末 Ficus pumila L ...

4.盖柯 Gay Paris 快乐的巴黎 红烂漫 Gekko 月光 Gemini 双子座 ...

6.薜荔果粉末 Prunus persica 碧桃干粉末 Gekko 薜荔果粉末 Ficus pumila L 蝙蝠粉末 ...

7.守宫 ‧ 印度蜓蜥 Lizard ‧ 守宫 Gekko ‧ 百步蛇 Hundred-pace pit viper ...

8.壁虎科  实验采用的天龙为脊椎动物壁虎科Gekko)蹼趾动物或同属它种壁虎的干燥体,又名守宫、壁虎、蝎虎。性味寒咸,有小毒, …


1.Gordon Gekko, who famously said "greed is good, " is just getting out of jail with a gigantic cell phone and no one to meet him.十三年来世界已经变了。上一集《华尔街》里大喊“贪婪是美德”(greedisgood)这句名言的戈登盖柯出狱了,他手上拿著笨重手机,没人理会。

2.The most remarkable aspect of Wall Street was that the villain of the piece, Gordon Gekko, became a hero to a new generation of moneymen.《华尔街》最非凡的影响在于片中的反派人物戈登·盖柯后来成了新一代资本家心中的偶像。

3.Gordon Gekko: You tell him for me, baby. Gordon Gekko is back.戈登:宝贝,替我转告他,戈登盖柯回来了!

4.Gordon Gekko: It's not a question of enough, pal.戈登:这不是多少才够的问题,夥计。

5.Indeed, in one key scene, Mr. Gekko actually goes to a tailor and gets fitted with new suits that are magnificently pressed and sleek.片中有这么一个重要场景,描写的是盖柯去裁缝那里试穿新衣,那些衣服都极其地时髦有型。

6.Mr. Gekko: You mean pke when a father tells his son about a court rupng on an airpne?盖葛先生:你是指像父亲对儿子说有关航空公司官司胜诉的事?

7.Gordon Gekko is back, with a whole new wardrobe for the power-hungry man.登•盖柯卷土重来,还为渴望权势的人带来了全套行头。

8."Greed is good" said Gordon Gekko famously in the Wall Street of the silver screen.“贪吃是好的”这是著名华尔街电影GordonGekko中的话。

9.Gordon Gekko: Someone reminded me I once said "Greed is good" . Now it seems it's legal. Because everyone is drinking the same Kool Aid.戈登·盖柯:“有人提醒我曾经说过‘贪婪是好事’。现在看来,它显然没什么错,因为每个人都在喝卡夫公司的的饮料。”

10.At their press conference today, Douglas and Stone expressed the same baffled annoyance about Gekko's star status.在今天召开的记者招待会上,道格拉斯和斯通对盖柯所取得的明星地位都表达了同样的困惑。