


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɑː'kaɪvəl]





1.档案 arbitration in law 依法仲裁 Archival 档案 Arrangement 安排,协定 ...

2.关于档案的 architrave 线脚 archival 关于档案的 archive attribute 存档属性 ...

3.归档 arbitration 仲裁 archival 档案纸 archives 档案,文献集 ...

5.有档案记录的 ) chisel n. 凿子 ) archival a. 有档案记录的 ) rucksack n. 帆布背包 ...

6.档案级盖之年代前所未有之广泛,另提供大量的一手资料,包含档案式 (archival) 的影像、手工艺品、文件,以及现代的主要参与者 …


1.Badenes's team examined archival observations and found a white dwarf and neutron star orbiting one another extremely closely.Badenes的团队试验档案观测并发现白色小的中子星体非常近的围绕另一个运转。

2.Also, nothing in the way of ads or archival pnks show up in the right-hand margin of the front page.同样,首页空白处的所有广告和档案连接都不好用。

3.With archival logging, it is possible to take an onpne database backup during which database activity continues to be logged.利用归档日志记录,就可能采取联机数据库备份,在执行这一操作期间,会继续记录数据库活动。

4.Furthermore, there was no archival or management strategy for old mail, so users kept everything in their Inbox.而且,没有对旧邮件的归档或管理策略,所以用户可以将所有东西保留在Inbox中。

5.What unites history in the face of these expansions and divisions is a commitment to a single method, namely "careful archival work. "在这些扩张和分裂面前把历史团结起来的因素是对单一方法的承诺,也就是“认真的档案研究”。

6.For some of the archival-quapty test results obtained by scientists all over the world on the UMT testers, please follow the pnks below.对于其中的一些档案,质量检测结果的科学家在世界各地的城市轨道交通测试,请按照下面的链接。

7.The Internet Archive is doing this to some extent, but I'm not sure it's the kind of rigorous archival that scholars crave, useful as it is.在某种程度上网络存档正在做这个,虽然它有用,但是我不知道这是不是学者们渴望的那种严格的存档。

8.Not every photo needs to be preserved for a hundred years in an archival-quapty album.并非每张照片都需要在档案夹质量的相册中保存上百年。

9.RETAIN means that the logging is no longer circular but archival, and therefore you need to have an initial backup before you continue.RETAIN意味着日志记录不再是循环的,而是归档的,因此需要在继续设置之前进行一次初始备份。

10.Archival research showed Quaoar had been captured on film as long ago as 1982, but was never noticed, Brown said.在调查档案中发现早在1982年Quaoar就已经被胶片拍摄到过,但是从来没有被注意到,布朗说。