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1.弗兰克 Francis 吴镇宇 Frankie 陈勋奇∕林文龙/李进 Gabriel 海俊杰 ...

6.弗朗基 Mary 玛丽 Frankie 弗朗基 234. Maud 莫德 ...

7.法兰琪法兰克·梅罗(FrankMerlo),威廉斯昵称他法兰琪(Frankie),法兰琪与威廉斯一起共度了十四年,从一九四八到一九六二,那是 …

8.我的模特生涯《我的模特生涯》(Frankie)导演:Fabienne Berthaud演员:Diane Kruger《特洛伊》《圣诞快乐》介绍:在职业生涯的尽头, …


1.Sometimes other deer came out of the woods to graze. When Frankie caught their scent, his head came up.有时,别的鹿从树林里出来吃草,弗兰基闻见它们的气味时,就抬起头来。

2.If I were you, I'd get a tin of salmon or some eggs and bacon, suggested Frankie as he skipped along holding his father's hand.要是我,我就买一听鲑鱼或者买些鸡蛋和咸肉,小弗兰克拉着他父亲的手蹦蹦跳跳地说。

3.They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised ptter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away.他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。

4.And, you know, you can't fault him for accuracy, but, actually, Frankie, at that time, was a heroin addict, and he was in jail.而且,你知道,他这句话你挑不出一点毛病,但是Frankie那时,是个瘾君子,而且他被关在监狱。

5.Lead singer Frankie Beverly's natural rhythm seems to be in the slow lane, so Greatest Slow Jams is where he and the group really thrive.主唱弗兰基富康的自然节奏似乎是在慢车道,所以果酱是最伟大的慢,他和该集团真正兴旺。

6.Frankie noticed with childish terror the extreme alarm with which his mother looked at his father.小弗兰克看到母亲极为吃惊地望着父亲,不觉产生了一种孩子特有的恐怖心情。

7.Dr. Edwin has not heard of him (Frankie) resigning as Deputy Speaker after SAPP pulled out of BN.而迄今艾德温医生没有听说过拿督张友志退出国阵并辞去副议长的职位的消息。

8.Epzabeth Banks co-stars as Frankie and finds it easy to understand the longing both characters share.伊丽莎白·班克斯联合饰演弗兰基,她发现很容易理解这两个角色分享的渴望。

9.If she was gonna leave Frankie, better she did it to him then.如果她要离开弗兰基最好当时就做

10.The hunters had read about him and, spotting the yellow collar, figured it must be Frankie.猎人们读过有关它的报道,看到黄脖圈,断定它就是弗兰基。