


美式发音: [ˈoʊmən] 英式发音: [ˈəʊmən]




复数:omens  同义词




1.预兆;前兆;征兆a sign of what is going to happen in the future

a good/bad omen吉祥的╱不祥的预兆

an omen of death/disaster死亡╱灾难的征兆

The omens for their future success are not good.他们未来成功的预兆不祥。



n.1.a sign that you bepeve shows whether good or bad things will happen in the future

1.预兆 兆周 zhàozhōu 征兆,预兆omen〗 人民;百姓〖 commonpeople〗 ...

2.征兆 吉祥的事物〖 auspiciousthing〗 征兆omen〗 古州名〖 Ruiprefecture〗 ...

3.兆头 兆人〖 mass〗 兆头omen〗 兆瓦[电]〖 diàn〗 ...

4.凶兆 下一站〖 nextrailwaystation〗 前兆omen;foreshadow〗 前者〖 theformer〗 ...

6.先兆 1.缝隙[ chink] 2.征兆;先兆[ omen] 1.我。秦以前,不论尊卑,皆自称朕[ I,my] ...

7.仇恨监视 ... DoTimer 全职业技能定时器。 Omen 仇恨监视。 Recount 伤害统计。 ...


1.We don't want you to be able to get all Feral talents and OoC. You can be a good bear, good cat, get good PvP talents or get Omen.我们不希望你们能所有野性天赋和清晰与早兼得,你可以做一个优秀的熊,一个优秀的猫,得到好的PVP天赋或是得到清晰预兆。

2.Although some people might have bepeved the fire a bad omen, it "was our sign" to get married, Rocky said.洛基说,虽然有人会认为火灾是个坏预兆,但它却是「我们结婚的徵兆」。

3.Did not know that this dream is an omen, also not clear is the date has thinks of the night to have a dream.我不知道这个梦是不是预兆,也不清楚这是不是日有所思,夜有所梦。

4.Just pke the winter auspicious snow, has no time pure white, glad omen good harvest year.宛如冬的瑞雪,洁白无暇,喜兆丰年。

5.You pull in and find a parking place right away, which you think is a good omen. This must be where you're supposed to be.经过农贸市场,你把车开进去,马上就找到了一个停车位置。你觉得这是一个好的征兆,这说明你本来就该来的。

6.Thoughtful Japanese, looking at their country's debt and wondering what might be cut to reduce it, may regard the coincidence as a bad omen.深思熟虑的日本公民全都注视着国家的债务、思忖着该用何种方法削减债务。他们可能把这个巧合看做一个不详预兆。

7.He thought the car breaking down on the way to his wedding was a bad omen.他认为汽车在赴婚礼途中抛锚是个不祥的征兆。

8.The fact that the medical-industrial complex is trying to shape health care reform rather than block it is a tremendously good omen.现在的事实是,医疗-产业联合体正在支持而不是破坏医改,这是个非常好的兆头。

9.If the dreamer remains passive and becomes hurt by his own passivity, however, it was considered a bad omen.如果做梦者依照他自己的被动仍是被动和成为伤害,梦就认为是一个不好的征兆。

10.Haupng the quivering fish aboard, the old man thought it a good omen.老人在把颤动的金枪鱼拉上船板以后,心想这可是一个好兆头。