



美式发音: [ˈstʌmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['stʌmb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:stumbles  现在分词:stumbpng  过去式:stumbled  同义词

n.blunder,trip,stagger,false step,mishap

v.trip up,lose your footing,sway,roll,hesitate


v.1.绊倒,摔倒 (at; over);东倒西歪地走2.说不出话来,结巴;踌躇3.弄错,搞错,犯错误,犯(道德上的)罪过;失足4.偶然碰见 (on, upon; across)5.使绊倒,使失足;使为难;使踌躇莫决1.绊倒,摔倒 (at; over);东倒西歪地走2.说不出话来,结巴;踌躇3.弄错,搞错,犯错误,犯(道德上的)罪过;失足4.偶然碰见 (on, upon; across)5.使绊倒,使失足;使为难;使踌躇莫决


v.1.to fall or almost fall while you are walking or running; to move with difficulty and nearly fall because you are tired or sick2.to make a mistake when you are speaking; to make a mistake when you are trying to achieve something

1.绊倒 6.I __B__ stumbled. 我差点儿摔跤. (reward sb. with“ 用…酬劳某人”) ...

4.跌跌撞撞 ... 浮浮沉沉。 Ups and downs. 跌跌撞撞Stumbled. 你就是我的甜蜜- You are my sweet - ...

5.牵绊 ... grateful 感激 stumbled 牵绊 soul 灵魂 ...

6.马失前蹄 ... paperback 平装本,纸面本 stumbled 迷迷糊糊 tuition 讲授,教诲,学费 ...

8.障碍的 ... foaming 泡沫;水沫;灭火泡沫 stumbled 障碍的 psychopaths 患精神病的 ...


1.When a recipe transforms winter vegetables into something bright and summery, you know you've stumbled upon something special.当一份食谱将冬季的蔬菜变成夏季充满阳光的食物时,你知道你遇到了一些特别的东西。

2.He made his way to the door; he came back for his handkerchief, he stumbled out.他向门口走去,又回来拿手帕,他蹒蹒跚跚地走了出去。

3.And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.我跟着我的好奇心和知觉走,遇到的很多东西后来被证明是无价之宝。

4.When your correspondent stumbled across him on the campaign trail, voters behaved as if they were in the presence of a pop star.当你的记者偶然发现他在竞选,选民表现的好象一个流行明星的粉丝。

5.It has rained for a week straight, the week in which you stumbled a refugee into my camp.雨连续下了一个星期。就在这个星期里,你成为避难者,无意间进入了我的领地。

6.He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face.他没走几步就在不平的地上绊了一脚,摔了个嘴啃泥。

7.I felt as if I had stumbled into a nightmare country, as you sometimes do in dreams.我感到自己就像平时作梦那样迷迷糊糊地闯进了恶梦境地。

8.And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosyty and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.凭我的好奇心和直觉所涉足的许多事情最后被证明是无价的。

9.The donkey walked on the bridge but stumbled and fell into the river. He got up and felt very happy. There was no salt in his bags.驴走上桥时被绊倒掉入了河中,但它显得很高兴,因为袋子里的盐全没了。

10.I was lucky to have stumbled onto onpne poker when I was 18. It was one of my early wake up calls.我很幸运,在我18岁的时候在网络扑克上面栽过跟头。那是让我警醒的事件之一。