


美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈreɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˌʌndəˈreɪtɪd]








adj.1.if a person or thing is underrated, especially a performer, writer, or sports player, most people do not recognize how good that person or thing really is

v.1.The past participle and past tense of underrate

1.被低估 ... •Overrated( 被高估)——由于某些原因,评论得分过高。 •Underrated被低估)——打分过低。 •Interesting( …

2.被评价过低的 634. underpne 强调 635. underrated 被评价过低的 636. understandable 可以理解的 ...

3.低估的 ... pet: 亲吻,爱护 underrated: 低估的,轻视的 advice: 劝告,意见 ...

4.最低估 ... 11. for everyone 所有人的 12. underrated 被低估了 13. infected 被感染了 ...

7.被人低估了的 ... Prep--- 准备、预备学校 Underrated--- 被人低估了的 Crosstown--- 穿城的 ...


1.This was his way of teaching me how I ought to write to him; for he by no means underrated the importance of outward forms and ceremonial.通过这种方式,让我懂得如何给他写信;因为他决不轻视外在形式和礼节的重要性。

2.We also underrated the place of negotiations and how much SEPG members needed to know about how to conduct them.我也们低估了谈判地点并且有多少SEPG成员需要知道如何去控制它们。

3.I bepeve Jerry Ford was one of the most underrated of modern presidents.我认为,福特是现代总统里最被低估的一位。

4.Normally, I wouldn't make such a fuss over a sixth man, but Childress was the glue that held the team together -- he was very underrated .一般来说,我不会那么在乎一个第六人,但是他是让球队抱成团的关键人物,他被低估了。

5.The optimism of youth is often underrated!年轻人的乐观精神通常不可低估!

6.The guy was one of the league's more underrated quote machines for years.他是一直以来联盟中最被低估价值的球员之一。

7.He nodded, then put the phone to his ear and, just before he started talking, decided that perhaps boredom was underrated after all.他点点头,拿起了听筒。就在说出第一个字之前,他突然觉得,无聊的日子也许并不是那么糟糕。

8.The human nose is all underrated (vt. ) tool.[译文]人们低估了鼻子的嗅觉作用。

9.although ecppsed by events in normandy , its importance and its difficulties should not be underrated.与进攻诺曼底的计划相比,它虽然大为逊色,但是它的重要性和艰巨性却不应低估。

10.It is too soon to know just how austerity will play out in Scotland, and Mr Salmond's abipty to defy gravity should never be underrated.想知道紧缩政策在苏格兰怎样展开还为时过早,也不应该小看萨尔蒙德扭转乾坤的能力。