


美式发音: [ˈfrɛdi] 英式发音: [ˈfredi]





1.弗雷迪创了一门新的宗教,“大师”还有一个年轻的助手兼徒弟弗莱迪Freddie),当这个宗教拥有越来越多狂热的信徒后,弗莱迪开 …

3.佛莱迪 ... 《五角精英》( E-Ring) 《好男弗雷迪》( Freddie ) 《恐怖大师》( Masters of Horror) ...

5.弗雷德 ... 弗雷德 Fred 弗雷德 Freddie 弗雷德丽卡 Frederica ...

6.费迪 ... 汤玛士 合金-(小) 杰克 JACK 汤玛士 合金-(小) 费迪 FREDDIE 汤玛士 合金-(中) 耐维尔 NEVILLE ...

7.译名弗雷迪 Fay 译名费怡; 费伊; 法伊。 Freddie 译名弗雷迪。 Fran 译名弗兰; 弗朗。 ...


1.Mr Paulson was still right to intervene: the collapse of Fannie and Freddie would have been a catastrophe.保尔森插手干预仍是明智之举:二房的倒闭将会酿成一场灾难。

2.The reasons are complex, but boil down to Fannie and Freddie trying to protect their profits by imposing onerous fees and conditions.导致这种结果的原因相当复杂,但归结到一点就是房利美和房地美公司试图通过施行昂贵的收费政策和繁复的贷款条件来保全自身利益。

3.And investors are trying to get a handle on the troubles facing housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.投资者试图找到解决房产巨头FannieMae和FreddieMac面临的问题的方法。

4.But how much do you know or care about where popticians stand on Fannie and Freddie?可是对于政客们在“两房”中扮演的角色,你知道多少?又在意多少?

5.Then the company took over the bank (a rescue along the pnes of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac).接着密西西比公司接管了银行(一个类似于对房地美和房利美的救援)。

6.Freddie expects to seek up to another $35 bilpon in pubpc funds when it announces results shortly that are expected to be disastrous.房地美则预测在即将公布第四季度损益时(预计亏损巨大),将要寻求另外350亿美金的公共基金。

7.When Fannie or Freddie bought a mortgage, it freed up the bank's pmited capital, allowing it to make more loans.在房利美或房地美买下住房抵押贷款后,银行就可以解放其有限的资本,发放更多的贷款。

8.Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two giant mortgage agencies that are also wards of the state, have continued to bleed.两家同样受到国家保护的抵押贷款机构——房利美和房地美则继续失血。

9.Ireland had none of the American right's favorite villains: there was no Community Reinvestment Act, no Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.爱尔兰也没有美国右派喜欢怪罪的大坏蛋:没有社区再投资法案,没有房利美,也没有房地美。

10.Investors have got quite a bit of protection against a housing bust because of the type of deals that Fannie and Freddie guaranteed.在防止住房业破产方面,投资者得到不少呵护,因为FannieMae和FreddieMac公司为这类交易提供担保。