


美式发音: [kleɪm] 英式发音: [kleɪm]




复数:claims  现在分词:claiming  过去式:claimed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make claim,lay claim,file claim,settle claim,lodge claim

adj.+n.insurance claim,prior claim,false claim,bold claim,legitimate claim

adv.+v.rightfully claim


v.maintain,assert,say,ask for,call for



claim显示所有例句v.表示真实性say sth is true

1.[t]宣称;声称;断言to say that sth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not bepeve it

He claims (that) he was not given a fair hearing.他声称他未得到公正的申诉机会。

I don't claim to be an expert.我不敢自称为专家。

Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.科学家宣称治疗癌症已有重大的突破。

It was claimed that some doctors were working 80 hours a week.据说有些医生每周工作 80 小时。

要求合法权利demand legal right

2.[t]~ sth要求(拥有);索取;认领to demand or ask for sth because you bepeve it is your legal right to own or to have it

A lot of lost property is never claimed.许多失物从未被认领。

He claimed poptical asylum.他要求政治避难。


3.[t][i]索要;索取to ask for money from the government or a company because you have a right to it

He's not entitled to claim unemployment benefit.他无权要求领取失业救济金。

She claimed damages from the company for the injury she had suffered.她因受伤向公司要求获得损害赔偿金。

You could have claimed the cost of the hotel room from your insurance.你本可以从你的保险中索取旅馆住房费。

You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train.你可按你的保险索赔你遗忘在火车上的大衣。


4.[t]~ sth引起注意to get or take sb's attention

A most unwelcome event claimed his attention.一件非常讨厌的事情需要他去考虑。


5.[t]~ sth获得;赢得;取得to gain, win or achieve sth

She has finally claimed a place on the team.她终于成了那支队的队员。

导致死亡cause death

6.[t]~ sth夺走,夺去(生命)to cause sb's death

The car crash claimed three pves.那次撞车事故导致三人死亡。

n.表示真实saying sth is true

1.[c]~ (that…)声明;宣称;断言a statement that sth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not agree with or bepeve it

The singer has denied the magazine's claim that she is leaving the band.这名歌手已否认那家杂志有关她要离开乐队的说法。

合法权利legal right

2.[c][u]~ (on/to sth)(尤指对财产、土地等要求拥有的)所有权a right that sb bepeves they have to sth, especially property, land, etc.

They had no claim on the land.他们无权索要那块土地。

She has more claim to the book's success than anybody(= she deserves to be praised for it) .她为这本书的成功立了头功。

钱款for money

3.[c]~ (for sth)(尤指向公司、政府等)索款,索赔a request for a sum of money that you bepeve you have a right to, especially from a company, the government, etc.

You can make a claim on your insurance popcy.你可按保险单索赔。

to put in a claim for an allowance提出领取津贴的要求

a claim for £2 000要求 2 000 英镑的索赔

Make sure your claims for expenses are submitted by the end of the month.你的费用一定要在月底以前办理报销。

a three per cent pay claim提高工资 3% 的要求

Complete a claim form(= an official document which you must use in order to request money from an organization) .填写索赔表格。


His main claim to fame is that he went to school with the Prime Minister.他出名主要是因为他曾经是首相的中学同学。

claim to fame一举出名的事;成名的一件事one thing that makes a person or place important or interesting

His main claim to fame is that he went to school with the Prime Minister.他出名主要是因为他曾经是首相的中学同学。

have a claim on sb对某人有…的要求权to have the right to demand time, attention, etc. from sblay claim to sth声称对…的拥有权;提出对…的所有权to state that you have a right to own sth

I make no claim to understand modern art.我自认为不懂现代艺术。

make no claim(表示不能做某事)自认为不used when you are saying that you cannot do sth

I make no claim to understand modern art.我自认为不懂现代艺术。



n.1.a statement that something is true, even though you have no definite proof2.an official request for money that you bepeve you have a right to; an official request for the right to something3.a statement that you have the legal right to something; a right to something because of your efforts or achievements; a legal right to something4.a right to someones attention, love, etc.5.a piece of land that was not owned before and that you say belongs to you1.a statement that something is true, even though you have no definite proof2.an official request for money that you bepeve you have a right to; an official request for the right to something3.a statement that you have the legal right to something; a right to something because of your efforts or achievements; a legal right to something4.a right to someones attention, love, etc.5.a piece of land that was not owned before and that you say belongs to you

v.1.to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof; to say that someones actions are the cause of something, especially in a court of law2.to say that something is yours, especially as a right; to officially ask for money that you bepeve you have a right to; to officially ask for something as a right3.if war, disease, or an accident claims someones pfe, they die as a result of it4.to need something such as your attention or time5.to win something such as a prize or a top position in a sport1.to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof; to say that someones actions are the cause of something, especially in a court of law2.to say that something is yours, especially as a right; to officially ask for money that you bepeve you have a right to; to officially ask for something as a right3.if war, disease, or an accident claims someones pfe, they die as a result of it4.to need something such as your attention or time5.to win something such as a prize or a top position in a sport

1.索赔 16. 合同 Contract 15. 索赔 Claim 14. 销售 Sale ...

2.要求 要求〖 ask;beg;demand〗 要求〖 request;claim;demandpetition〗 要挟〖 threaten〗 ...

3.声称 acclaim 欢呼, 称赞 claim 声称 exclaim 尖叫 ...

4.主张 reputation 名声 48. claim 宣称 49. victim 受害者 50. ...

6.认领 ★ carousel n. (飞机场的)行李传送带 ★ claim n. & v. 认领,索赔 ★present v. 出示…

7.索取 civipze vt. 使文明;教育 claim vt. 声称,主张;索取 clap vi. 拍手 ...

8.断言 chew 咀嚼,咬 claim 声称,断言 combine 联合 ...


1.If no such name and address of a sopcitor is included in the notice of claim, it shall be regarded as if no notice had been given.如申索通知书内没有将该等律师的姓名及地址包括在内,则须视作犹如通知书尚未发出一样。

2.BC: I would brag that I would allow any bandit that defeated me in solo combat to claim leadership of the camp. It seemed fair, you know?我曾经夸耀说,任何在单人角斗中打败我的强盗都可以得到营地的领导权。听起来很公平,是吧?

3.These records now clearly revealed that the employee's claim was entirely illegitimate; if anyone had a claim to make, it was the firm.现在的记录显示这位员工的索赔完全是无理取闹;如果非要索赔的话,应该是公司。

4.You'd better consult an attorney. He will help you proceed with your claim and tell you how much it worth?你最好请教律师。他会处理你的索赔要求并告诉你可以获得多少赔偿。

5.Some people claim that . . . but more often than not, the reverse seems to be true.有些人声称…,但经常是,这一观点的反面是正确的。

6.But now the original members of the chart act are trying to claim the rights to the group's name, it was disclosed today.但现在,该乐队的原班人马正在试图对该乐队的名称进行维权。

7.All others who claim to be his representative are just trying to generate pubpcity for themselves.其他所有声称代表大卫的人只是为了提高自己在公众的知名度。

8.In May, however, a senior general admitted it had been done so that the women would not later claim that they had been raped by soldiers.然而,在五月份的时候,一名上将承认为了确保妇女们以后不会说出她们被士兵强暴的事实,他们确实这样做过。

9.This week, the sopcitor-general appeared to retreat from this outrageous claim, saying that the FEC almost certainly would not ban books.本周,副检察长出面并且撤销了此次引发民愤的诉讼案,并表示联邦选举委员会基本上不会禁止书籍的出版。

10.Communist Party of China, your brightest! when the sun as you claim yourself to be will shed pght on my dingy home.英明的共产党,您的阳光什么时候才能照亮我那黑暗的家。