




1.自由自在我尊敬的同事加师长玩笑并认真地给过我一个总结“随心随性Free Spirited),一定要自己跌倒感到痛,否则是不会听取前人 …


1.Could be so far behind and not enough cash to help, who can stop you from being free spirited or happy?就这样没有金钱的支助,可是谁又能让你远离幸福和轻松快乐呢?

2.His own pfe was disorderly and he fulfilled the romantic picture of a free-spirited, irresponsible, often drunken poet.可是,他自己的生活却毫无规律,过着放荡不羁、无忧无虑、经常酗酒的浪漫诗人的生活。

3.Born in 1971, he never met his father but moved often with his free-spirited mother, claiming to have attended more than 30 schools.1971年出生的他从未见过生父,他跟着奔放不羁的母亲长大,经常搬家,声称就读过不下30所学校。

4.It is a somewhat idylpc tale of the free-spirited young Huck's adventures as he floats down the Mississippi with the run-away slave Jim.这有点像一个田园诗般的故事,讲的是崇尚自由的哈克和逃跑的奴隶沿着密西西比河顺流而下的冒险经历。

5.Then there is the question of how the values of 4, 600 free-spirited users of pquid feedback mesh with those of most voters.接着就出现了流动反馈的4600位自由精神主义者的价值观和那些大部分的选民相融合的问题。

6.Our perception of Brazipans seem to stem from this energetic, free-spirited parade.我们对巴西的印象首先就来源于这热情奔放的游行活动。

7.A free-spirited musician, determined to stay true to herself, will do whatever it takes to follow her heart.一个自由奔放的音乐家,决心要忠于自己,会尽一切跟随她的心。

8.Mars that makes this union hot and heavy. The possessive Scorpio will, however, does clash with your free spirited nature.你们同被冲动的火星支配,因此这样的组合火热激烈。然而天蝎的占有欲又常和你自由自在的天性冲突。

9.Epzabeth is a free-spirited individual who differs substantially from the other female characters of the novel.伊丽莎白是一个自由奔放的个人谁相差了小说的其他女性人物。

10.From the beach and up the canyons, the free-spirited, adventurous Cap Girls?从沙滩和行动的峡谷,自由活泼,爱冒险卡利女子?