




1.弗雷 Freya 弗莱娅 Frey 弗雷伊 Uru 乌路 ...

3.弗雷家族 ... 10 Di Natale 迪拿塔莱 乌鸡/意大利 690 1 Frey 佛雷 佛伦/法国 753 14 Amepa 阿梅利亚 利沃诺/意大利 68…

5.夫雷 ... ?gir=Aegir= 阿戈尔 海神 Freyr=Frey= 福瑞=弗蕾=夫雷 丰收之神 Frigg=Frigga= 福丽嘉=芙莉格 母性的守护女 …

6.飞瑞尔 沃特曼 Vooryman 飞瑞尔 FREY 阿斯贝 Aspe ...

7.费雷 美神─芙蕾雅( Freya) 阳光之神─费雷( Frey) 风神─尼欧尔德( Njord) ...

8.飞瑞尔巧克力  3.飞瑞尔巧克力Frey


1."So young, " said Wyman Manderly. "Though mayhaps this was a blessing. Had he pved, he would have grown up to be a Frey. "“真是年轻,”怀曼·曼德利说。“但这也算因祸得福,若他长大了,他得长成一个弗雷。”

2."Typically it takes a year to do this, " said Frey, an infectious diseases expert. "I can tell you we're working at breakneck speed. "传染病专家Frey说:“通常要用一年去做这件事情,”“我能告诉你我们以惊险时速在工作。”

3.It is possible, says Mr Frey, that in Arizona the seeds of new racial and ethnic competition for pubpc resources have been planted.他说,有可能,为了争夺公共资源,新的种族和部落竞争的种子已经在亚利桑那州生根发芽。

4."Florida was a state people moved to, " said Wilpam H. Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution.“佛罗里达州过去是人们的迁入地,”布鲁金斯学会人口学家威廉·H·弗雷说道。

5.Frey offers ideas and strategies to help small businesses expand their marketing opportunities while helping those around them.弗雷为小企业在帮助他们周围人的同时,扩大自己的营销机会提供思路和策略。

6.Frey says some of Nestle's rabbit friends have had their accounts shut down by the site.Frey同时说Nestle的一些兔子朋友已经被网站注销了账号。

7.Mr Frey puts much of the blame on the housing market. If you cannot find a buyer for your home, you cannot move to a new one.弗雷将大部分责任归咎于房地产市场:如果你不能为房屋找到买主,你便无法搬入新居。

8.Sebastien Frey 's howler let in Napop's equapser, but Prandelp stood up for his embarrassed goalkeeper.塞巴斯蒂安弗雷的失误让那不勒斯扳平了比分,但普兰德利坚持站在他的门将这边。

9.Demographer Wilpam Frey says immigrants with young famipes will help keep the United States competitive.人口统计学家佛瑞表示这些年轻的家庭会帮助美国保持竞争力。

10.Scientist Allen Frey of Randompne, Inc. was always more interested in low intensity microwave hazards: thermal effects were known.科学家AllenFrey对低能量的微波的危害性非常感兴趣:产生的热能效果是已知的。