


美式发音: [ˈfrɪzi] 英式发音: ['frɪzi]



比较级:frizzier  最高级:frizziest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.frizzy hair





adj.1.frizzy hair has small tight stiff curls

1.卷曲的 mourn v. 哀悼, 忧伤, 服丧 frizzy adj. 卷曲的 pilates [圣]比拉多 ...

2.蜷缩的 ... tortoise 陆龟;龟2.(形容人)土鳖 frizzy 蜷缩的;蜷发的 ringlet 卷发,小圈,小环 ...

3.头发鬈曲的 curly 蜷曲的 frizzy 头发鬈曲的 wild 狂野的 ...

4.卷发的 fuzzy a. 有绒毛的,绒毛状的 frizzy adj. 卷发的,卷曲的 downy a. 绒毛的,柔和的,高原的 ...

5.毛躁 ... 受损= damaged 毛躁= frizzy 深层护发乳= deep conditioning balm/deep conditioning treatment ...

6.绒毛状的 严寒的,冷淡的( icy,freezing) 有绒毛的,绒毛状的frizzy,downy) 幽默的,滑稽的( amusing,…

7.毛燥自然卷的 ... damaged hair 受损发质 frizzy 毛燥自然卷的 oily / greasy 发质油腻的 ...

8.多卷了昨天去Joyce 的家吃火锅,姐妹们问我是不是去弄了头发,怎么头发没那么多卷了Frizzy)。好像做了负离子烫,可是又很自 …


1.that of Latin-speaking and North African peoples can be very frizzy and thick.而拉丁语及北非地人头发卷曲而浓密。

2.the splendor of her shoulders , her frizzy hair might have made him doubtful.她两肩的华丽衣饰,鬈缩的头发,很可能使他犹豫不决。

3.All that sun, water and chlorine made your hair dry, rough, brittle, and frizzy?所有那些阳光、水和氯使你的头发干燥、粗糙、脆弱以及卷曲?

4.I was a frizzy, pasty mess, but he seemed to enjoy taking the pictures and I certainly enjoyed getting reamed afterward.我扭曲着身体,混乱苍白,老公却乐此不疲,当然后来我也很享受榨干的感觉。

5.Curly hair tends to get more curly, frizzy and unmanageable in humid weather.在潮湿的天气中,卷发会变得更卷,更难打理。

6.It no longer struggled against her, but it was losing its frizzy fur in patches, and its eyes were dull and pfeless.它不再跟她争斗了,但它的皮毛一簇簇地掉落,眼睛迟钝,毫无生气。

7.My hair isn't normally frizzy, but it has gotten really out of control in this humidity!我的头发平时不太卷,但是在这样潮湿的天气它已经完全失控了。

8.She was thin, her hair a pttle frizzy, and even through the screen door she smelled of alcohol.她很瘦,头发有点卷曲。即使隔着纱门,约瑟夫还是能闻到她身上的酒气。

9.Whether it be straight, wavy, curly or frizzy , a hair is always a hair.不管是直、波浪、卷曲或卷曲,一根头发总是一根头发。

10.Here's the thing. The cornrows were a solution to your frizzy-hair problem.事情是这样的:这些贝壳是用来解决你头发的卷曲问题的。