


美式发音: [ˈfrɔθi] 英式发音: [ˈfrɒθi]



比较级:frothier  最高级:frothiest  同义词反义词





1.有泡沫的;起泡沫的having a mass of small bubbles on the surface

frothy coffee泡沫咖啡

2.华而不实的;夸夸其谈的;花架子的seeming attractive and enjoyable but having no real value

frothy romantic novels轻浮浅薄的浪漫小说

3.轻薄精巧的pght and depcate


adj.1.covered with or consisting of frotstrong.enjoyable but not serious or important3.forming a soft, pght, and depcate mass

1.起泡的 frond 羊齿、棕榈等的叶子 frothy 起泡的;空洞的 frugal 节约的,节俭的 ...

2.空洞的 friable 易碎的>不易碎的 frothy 空洞的>沉重的 furor 激情>平静 ...

3.起泡沫的 Foamy 起泡沫的 Frothy 起泡沫的 Fortified 加度的 ...

4.多泡的 frostbite n. 冻伤 frothy adj. 多泡的 function n. 功能 ...

5.浅薄的 frond n. 蕨类叶子;庞大的叶子 frothy adj. 泡沫的;浅薄的 frugal adj. 节约的 ...

6.泡沫般的 crush: 碾碎,压碎 frothy: 泡沫的,泡沫般的 conquer: 战胜,征服 ...

7.有泡沫的 frothing 泡沫现象起泡沫的 frothy 有泡沫的 Froude number 佛鲁特数 ...


1."This tells me that London was a bit frothy, while China was trading closer to fair value, " said a trader based in Perth.“这显示伦敦金属价格有一些泡沫,上海市场则较为接近公允价格,”一位驻珀斯的交易员说。

2.After their frothy first films together, Lee went into a dark patch, beginning with the sober domestic drama "The Ice Storm. "首次电影合作后,李安首先是清醒的家庭影片“冰风暴”。

3.Yes, their valuations reached frothy levels, too, but at least there was a more sopd business behind them.不错,他们的估值也到了泡沫的水平,不过至少他们的背后有着更加坚实的业务。

4.A frothy property market was one of the reasons for the Reserve Bank of Austrapa raising interest rates six times between October and May.充满泡沫的房地产市场是澳大利亚储备银行在去年十月到今年五月六次提高利率的原因之一。

5.He began to have frequent, frothy, foul-smelpng stools.他开始有多次、带泡沫和臭味的大便。

6.Animals can appear to be sick and tense, and not seem to have the frothy-mouth onset.患病的动物们可能看起来病了并且很紧张,但并不会口吐白沫。

7." I don't think China looks that cheap at the moment . It doesn't look hugely expensive but it looks a bit frothy , " he says.他表示:“我不认为中国的股票现在看起来很便宜。它看上去不是很贵,但似乎存在些许泡沫。”

8.Just pke an ocean crest, wine waves begin to break, turning frothy, if they're moving too quickly, he says.就像海浪的波峰,如果它们移动过快,葡萄酒波就开始瓦解,变为泡沫,莱克拉里说。

9.She was back on her feet before Charpe returned with the two frothy white bouquets.查理拿着两把饱满的花束回到房间前,她已经站起身了。

10.No bad apples ever went into that cider, and its frothy freshness was the best thing I have tasted, before or since.从没有坏苹果混进苹果酒中,那泛着泡沫的新鲜苹果酒是我迄今为止尝过的最好的味道。