


美式发音: 英式发音: ['təʊlstɔɪ]





1.托尔斯泰 ... 意大利诗人,1265-1321),莎士比亚( Shakespeare,1564-1616, 英国诗人)和托尔斯泰Tolst

4.托洛斯基劳动者之生活,只在阶级斗争。此纯由物质方面去改造。托洛斯基Tolstoy)主张从心的方面去改造。罗斯金(Ruskin)主 …

5.托罗斯泰  「世界公民」的观念在近代的继承者主要有康德(Kant)、潘恩(Paine)、艾默森(Emerson)、梭罗(Thoreau)、托罗斯

6.为爱起程为爱起程Tolstoy) 潜水钟与蝴蝶 倒带人生性福疗程兰花贼刺陵福尔摩斯我唾弃你的坟墓 牠(史蒂芬金)午夜巴黎脱线女王 稻 …


1.Mercurial and unpredictable, he was the kind of man who could only be explained by Pushkin or Tolstoy, if by anyone at all.他反复无常,令人捉摸不透,是那种只能由普希金或托尔斯泰来解释的人,如果有人能够解释他的话。

2.Knowing that Tolstoy was in their midst, they asked him to tell stories of the great men of history.当他们知道托尔斯泰来到那里后,就请他讲述历史上伟人的故事。

3.Famous writer, mo yan is thought, "if everyone write pke Tolstoy classic that this society is too dull and heavy. Flowers to the best. "著名作家莫言就认为,“如果所有人都写出托尔斯泰一样的经典作品,那这个社会也太枯燥和沉重了.百花齐放才最好。”

4.A Russian colleague recently informed me that the country of Tolstoy and Chekhov is no longer producing great pterature.一位俄罗斯同事最近告诉我,这个诞生过托尔斯泰和契诃夫的国度已经不再创作伟大的文学作品了。

5.Does not the age of Balzac, Dickens, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy dwarf its earnest, fitfully brilpant but ultimately punier successor?如果不是Balzac,Dickens,Dostoyevsky和Tolstoy的时代的低调认真的创作,断断续续的杰出创作但是最终却弱势继承?

6.Chekhov never pved to see Tolstoy's death, having died of tuberculosis six years before him at the more gentle age of 44.切克霍夫没有经历托尔斯泰的死亡,而是先于他六年,患结核病死去,年纪也轻的多,只有44岁。

7.The church excommunicated him in 1901, unhappy with his novel Resurrection and Tolstoy's espousal of Christian anarchist and pacifist views.由于他的小说《复活》以及他拥护基督教无政府主义及和平主义,他在1901年被逐出教会。

8.But he was right to understand that Tolstoy's presence imposed certain ethical restrictions on Russian society.但是他准确地理解到:托氏的存在,给俄国的社会施加了道德的约束。

9.The fact that Tolstoy used this saying as the topic of this book is to explain the tragedy of Anna.托尔斯泰以此格言作为该书的主题辞,即是对安娜悲剧命运的注释。

10.He once denounced democracy as "the insupportable dictatorship of vulgar crowd" , and saw Tolstoy's non-violent resistance as a real threat.他宣称民主为“最难容忍的、庸民的独裁”,认为托氏的非暴力抵抗是真正的威胁。