




1.托尔金 《托尔金传》( Tolkien : a biography) 《英国社会史》( The Engpsh : a social history…


4.托克安1托克安Tolkien)的<指环之主>(Lord of the Rings)2Bruce Sterpng的<网路之岛>(Island in the Net)和<Schimatrix…



1.Unable to settle on a finale among the many farewells and epilogues in J. R. R. Tolkien's text, director Jackson decided to use them all.由于无法从J.R.R。托尔金小说中众多的告别场面和尾声中选择哪一个作为结局,导演杰克逊决定将他们全部纳入影片中。

2.Tolkien wrote in Letter #246: "The form he took was that of a man of more than human stature, but not gigantic. "托尔金在第246号信件中写道“他的身形比人类大的多,但没有达到巨人级。”

3.The map Gandalf picks up in Bilbo's study is a reproduction of the map Tolkien drew for the book "The Hobbit" .甘道夫从比尔博的书桌上拿起来的那张地图是托尔金为《哈比人》这本书画的地图的仿制品。

4.I suppose the first time I encountered the word "wraith" was in the 70's when I read JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.我第一次读到wraith(鬼魂)这个词应该是在70年代,它当时出现在JRR·托尔金的《指环王》中。

5.While most of the other sources say that hobbits were created by Tolkien, Brewers slyly says that they feature in his stories.当大多数其他的来源都称hobbits(霍比特人)是由托尔金创造的时候,布留沃词典狡猾地说,他们在托尔金的故事中占有重要的位置。

6.Therefore, we bepeve that Tolkien, as a great writer, is a "prophet" and "doctor" of an era.因此,本文认为作为伟大的作家,托尔金是一个时代的“先知”和“良医”。

7.It then shows how similarities in Eastern and Western thought shown in this work are illustrated in Tolkien's mythology.这一分析旨在揭示东方与西方思想的相同点是如何在托尔金笔下的神话中表现出来。

8.He may be the most iconic writer of the fantasy genre prior to Tolkien coming about, yet few people know him at all these days.他应该是幻想流派先于托尔金的最具标志性的作家,然而如今没几个人知道他。

9.But with this defining moment in the genre, many of the great works that preceded Tolkien have been forgotten in time.然而,在该流派的这个限定时间内,许多先于托尔金的作品已被遗忘。

10.Wherever possible, costume designer Ngila Dickson followed J. R. R. Tolkien's descriptions of the characters' clothing to the very letter.无论什么地方,服装设计师吉拉·迪克森都尽可能的按照托尔金原著中对角色服装的描述进行设计。