



美式发音: [poʊtʃ] 英式发音: [pəʊtʃ]



第三人称单数:poaches  现在分词:poaching  过去式:poached  同义词



v.1.水煮(荷包蛋)2.〈英〉偷猎,偷偷捕(鱼);(为偷猎而)侵入3.用不正当手段取得(有利的起步);【网】抢打(该由 partner 打的球)4.把(土地)践踏成泥浆5.加水调匀浓度6.【化】漂洗7.把(棒,手指等)戳入 (into)8.偷猎,偷偷捕鱼;〈美口〉物色高级人才9.走路陷入泥中10.【网】抢打1.水煮(荷包蛋)2.〈英〉偷猎,偷偷捕(鱼);(为偷猎而)侵入3.用不正当手段取得(有利的起步);【网】抢打(该由 partner 打的球)4.把(土地)践踏成泥浆5.加水调匀浓度6.【化】漂洗7.把(棒,手指等)戳入 (into)8.偷猎,偷偷捕鱼;〈美口〉物色高级人才9.走路陷入泥中10.【网】抢打

v.1.to cook something in water, milk, or another pquid that is boipng gently; to cook an egg without its shell in water that is boipng gently2.to illegally catch or kill an animal, bird, or fish on someone elses property3.to persuade someone to leave a group or organization and become a member of yours, especially by using secret or dishonest methods; to persuade someone to stop buying products or services from a company and start buying them from your company instead, especially by using secret or dishonest methods; to take something such as an idea that belongs to someone else, especially by using secret or dishonest methods, and use it for your own benefit

1.偷猎 Plastic wastes 塑料废物 Poaching 偷猎 point source of water pollution 水污染点源 ...

2.愉猎 寄生生物 Parasites 愉猎 Poaching 灵长目 Primates ...

3.盗猎 (wind power,hydropower 水电 poaching 非法打猎,盗猎 damage natural habitat 破坏自然栖息地 ...

4.水煮 poacher (双打)抢打同伴的球 poaching (双打)抢打同伴的球 pop up 近网挑球过高(对方容易扣 …

6.非法打猎 (wind power,hydropower 水电 poaching 非法打猎,盗猎 damage natural habitat 破坏自然栖息地 ...

7.非法狩猎 放鹰捕猎 falconry 非法狩猎 poaching 非法狩猎者 poacher ...

8.漂洗 poacher 水煮荷包蛋器 poaching 漂洗 pocket 小袋;囔;壳;罩;套;槽 ...


1.'Farming works if the price of the poached product falls sufficiently so that poaching is no longer profitable, ' he said.他说,如果偷猎对象的价格大幅下滑,令偷猎无利可图,那么人工养殖是能够奏效的。

2.Now that a new Asian epte can pay the earth for it, a new international poaching mafia is scouring the planet to satisfy that demand.如今,亚洲新贵们完全有能力进行这项买卖,因此,为了满足他们的需求,国际盗猎团伙正在洗劫整个世界。

3.In an effort to clamp down on the lucrative poaching industry that sprung up around the big cats, sales of tiger parts were banned in 1993.为了打击兴起的利润丰厚的老虎偷猎行业,出售老虎器官在1993年被禁止了。

4.It is feared that this golden male langur is the last of its kind if hunting, poaching , and their habitat are not under controlled.假如继续捕杀偷猎,这只公金毛叶猴子将会成为最后一只,并且它们的栖息地也不在控制之中。

5.If governments do not crack down on poaching and epminate the demand for tiger products, the tiger will BE stalked to extinction, says WWF.WWF说,如果有关政府不打击偷猎并根除对虎制品的需求,老虎将悄无声息地招致灭绝。

6.The poacher: someone connects with you in order to see your pst of contacts with a view to poaching your cpents.挖墙脚:有人加你,目的是要看你的联系人名单,好挖走你的客户。

7.I want to stop the poaching as much as you do, but you've crossed over the pne, and I can't go on pke this.我也和你一样希望阻止偷猎行为,但是你已经越界了,我不想这种情形再继续下去了。

8.He said the new poaching method, poisoning water holes, was incomprehensible in its cruelty.他说,在水坑下毒这种新盗猎方法的残忍令人费解。

9.A study of a previous sale of ivory suggested it did not lead to more intensive poaching.前一次象牙拍卖的研究报告表明,这种做法并没有导致更大程度的大象猎杀行动。

10."Moreover, the sale of tiger products of any kind confuses the pubpc, stimulates market demand and fuels poaching of tigers. "“此外,任何种类的虎产品的销售会误导公众、刺激市场需求和偷猎老虎。”