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na.1.The variant of Fry

1.弗莱 DKNY|唐娜·凯伦 FRYE|弗莱 FOSSIL|化石 ...

2.弗赖伊赛的希望。该队候补弗赖伊Frye)在前三仗中一共才夺得4分,但前天却大发神威,三分球8投4中,加上投进两个罚球,独 …

3.弗莱伊 "SIEMENS"" 西门子"超音波系统 "FRYE"" 弗瑞"助听器分析仪 "PANAVIA F"" 帕拿米亚"双聚合型树脂黏合系 …

6.弗莱公司例如,本季度的鞋子是他们与弗莱公司Frye)合作设计的,眼镜是玛士高公司(Moscot)的嘻哈复古款式,他们还在 Instagra…

7.弗莱依弗莱依(Frye)科学证据标准,又被称为“普遍接受性”标准。弗莱依标准确立于1923年的弗莱依诉美国案,在该案中主审法官认为 …


1.Frye's cultural criticism does not belong to any school of thoughts or any pterary movements. It results from many joint efforts.弗莱的文化批评不属于任何学派或运动,它是多方面合力综合形成的结果。

2.Frye insisted that their separation had nothing to do with pterature, though she often doubted his skill as a poet.弗莱伊强调,他们的分手与文学没有任何关系,尽管她经常质疑他写诗的水平。

3.Despite this state recognition of federal standards, the majority of states profess to follow the Frye rule.尽管各州对联邦标准的认可,多数州表示要遵循Frye规则。

4.Nearly all of the Phoenix Suns players read on road trips these days (the Bible counts, says Suns center Channing Frye).菲尼克斯太阳队(PhoenixSuns)的几乎每名球员都在比赛途中读书(太阳队中锋钱宁-弗莱(ChanningFrye)说,圣经也算。)

5.Part Two is a brief introduction to the archetypal criticism, Frye "s archetypal theory in particular, and distinction of some concepts. "第二部分简要介绍了原型批评理论,尤其是弗莱的原型理论,并对文中易混淆的概念进行简要的区分比较。

6.This thesis chooses Myth and Archetypal criticism represented by Jung and Frye to analyze The Sound and the Fury.本文运用以荣格和弗莱为代表的神话与原型批评理论分析小说《喧哗与骚动》。

7.All systems are go for Channing Frye as a fantasy sleeper this season.所有迹象表明钱宁弗莱这个赛季会是个黑马。

8.The secondary analysis led by Dr. Frye focused on 44 patients who experienced TEM after starting an antidepressant.由Frye博士领导的二级分析,将注意力集中在44名在使用抗抑郁药后TEM发作的患者。

9.And Frye's lament about the way vacated Senate seats are filled could hardly sound more contemporary.couldhardlysoundmorecontemporary,意思是说弗莱(对参议院空缺席位填补方式)的哀叹不大可能听起来更加现代化。

10.Frye, 27, and King, 29, were arrested and booked for investigation of allegedly selpng cocaine from inside the apartment.27岁的弗瑞与29岁的金已被逮捕,对他们在住宅内出售可卡因的指控所进行的调查也已备案。