

fuck you

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na.1.an extremely offensive expression used for showing anger at someone or something

1.去你的 And it's really distasteful 那真的很不妙 Fuck you 去你的 You say 你说 ...

2.他妈的 fuck off1. 滚开 fuck you1. 去你的;他妈的 fuck it1. 屈从,放弃 ...

3.你他妈的 son of bitch 婊子养的 fuck you 你他妈的 shit 狗屁 ...

4.操 做爱|做 make love|make 你|操 fuck you|fuck 日你|日 fuck you|fuck ...

5.你这混蛋 人无完人! Nobody's perfect! 你这混蛋! Fuck you! * 饭桶! You asshole! *asshole ...

6.你妈的 ... 42. Don’t give me your excuses/ No more excuses. 别找借口。 fuck you 你妈的 shit 妈的 ...

7.滚你妈的蛋 lustful 好色的 fuck you 滚你妈的蛋 freak 怪人 ...


1.and i don't know who the fuck you think you talking to but i'm not him, aight spm?我不知道谁他妈的你认为你说话,但我不是他,客人苗条吗?。

2.I got to call the bank and say, `` fuck you.我给银行打电话跟他们说,混蛋!

3."Fuck you, man, " he screamed at me, his eyes wild with rage.“操!。”他对我吼了一句,眼睛里满是怒火。

4.Yeah, okay. How the fuck you|going to call me, talking shit?嗯,好的|你打电话给我干什么,就是说这破事?

5.Hey, douche! Instead of backpacking in Europe or whatever the fuck you're doing, how about you give me six years of my pfe back?嘿,混蛋!不管你是去欧洲背包游还是做什么蠢事,不如你把我失去的六年生活还给我?

6.In one of the final scenes, with his direst warnings proving correct, Mr Powell turns to Mr Cheney and depvers a heartfelt "Fuck you" .影片的最后一幕,鲍威尔最可怕的警告得以最终证实,此时的他走向切尼的身边,发自内心地脱口而出:“去你妈的(Fuckyou)。”

7.Who the fuck you think you're talking' to?你到底以为你在跟谁讲话?

8.In the Army, I know I joke around and tell my wife that she should say fuck you to those people, but I am wrong in that.在军队里,我知道我会开玩笑并且告诉我的妻子她应该对这些人说:“滚开”!但是,在(我妻子面前)这里我错了。

9.Look around the salon you are in. The only other guy there wants to fuck you.看看沙龙里的那些人,你他妈的就是你。

10.Fuck you, brother. How could you fuckin' ask me that? . - She didn't ask you?他妈的,你怎么可以问我这个?她没问你吗?。